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《了解宇宙如何运行 第六季》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源

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热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 16:12

《了解宇宙如何运行 第六季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:

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《了解宇宙是如何运行的 第六季 How the Universe Works Season 6》
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
季数: 6
集数: 10
片长: 45
又名: 宇宙有道理
S6, Ep1
4 Feb. 2018 Are black holes real
Various eminent scientists explain the current knowledge of Black Holes and try to answer the question, do they really exist? The two great theories of Einstein's General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics don't work together to explain Black Holes which is a big problem. Other theoretical constructs such as Gravastars and Planck stars have been postulated but proving their existence is just as difficult as that of Black Holes. So where next?

Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries S6, Ep2
16 Jan. 2018 Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries
Planets that orbit two suns instead of one might be deadly hell worlds, but new discoveries reveal that sci-fi star systems with binary stars might be optimal places for alien life.

Dark History of the Solar System S6, Ep3
23 Jan. 2018 Dark History of the Solar System
Our solar system hides a dark and violent past, and new discoveries reveal that Earth and the planets were formed from the destruction of alien worlds that came before us.

Death of the Milky Way S6, Ep4
30 Jan. 2018 Death of the Milky Way
The Milky Way is dying, and using the latest science and discoveries, experts are investigating what's killing it.

Uranus & Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants S6, Ep5
6 Feb. 2018 Uranus & Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants
Uranus and Neptune are mysterious, icy worlds at the edge of our solar system, and new discoveries reveal that these strange planets may have helped start life on Earth.

Secret History of Mercury S6, Ep6
13 Feb. 2018 Secret History of Mercury
Mercury has a dangerous secret that may one day threaten life on Earth.

The Quasar Enigma S6, Ep7
20 Feb. 2018 The Quasar Enigma
Quasars are the brightest and most powerful objects in our universe, and though they have shaped the cosmos, they might ultimately destroy everything that exists.

Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets S6, Ep8
27 Feb. 2018 Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets
New discoveries reveal the secrets of hundreds of strange, tiny worlds called dwarf planets.

War on Asteroids S6, Ep9
6 Mar. 2018 War on Asteroids
Scientists discuss various types of asteroids, previous collisions between asteroids and Earth, and various technologies that may be employed to stop future collisions. Also discussed are ways in which nature can prevent or lessen the impact of collisions.

Mystery of Spacetime S6, Ep10
13 Mar. 2018 Mystery of Spacetime
Spacetime is the secret structure that controls our universe, time, light, and energy.

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