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营盘镇警事第12集 36分时出现的英文歌曲叫什么名字?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-27 06:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 11:39

营盘镇警事第12集 36分时出现的英文歌曲叫《猫咪宝贝》。
歌手: DJ小可
所属专辑:《DJ小可 ⑧王者再现》
i'm a girl, you're a boy
we're too old to play with toys
won't you tell me what's your name?
you could be my brand new game
you begin and roll the dice
i would smile and break the ice
tell me how could i resist when you're my favorite kiss
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
see the moon and see the sun, shining down on everyone
they know how in love we are, i heard them tell it to a star
there's no mountain,
there's no sea that could keep your love away from me
no matter what the distance is, you're still my favorite kiss[1]
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
la la la, tell me what your secret is
la la la, why won't you let me know
la la la, nothing makes me feel like this
la la la, cause you're my favorite kiss
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
la la la, tell me what your secret is
la la la, why won't you let me know
la la la, nothing makes me feel like this
la la la, cause you're my favorite kiss
i'm a girl, you're a boy
we're too old to play with toys
won't you tell me what's your name?
you could be my brand new game
you begin and roll the dice
i would smile and break the ice
tell me how could i resist when you're my favorite kiss
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
see the moon and see the sun, shining down on everyone
they know how in love we are, i heard them tell it to a star
there's no mountain,
there's no sea that could keep your love away from me
no matter what the distance is, you're still my favorite kiss
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
la la la, tell me what your secret is
la la la, why won't you let me know
la la la, nothing makes me feel like this
la la la, cause you're my favorite kiss
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
la la la, tell me what your secret is
la la la, why won't you let me know
la la la, nothing makes me feel like this
la la la, cause you're my favorite kiss
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me
kissy kissy makes me happy
honey honey sweet as candy
kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee
la la la, tell me what your secret is
la la la, why won't you let me know
la la la, nothing makes me feel like this
la la la, cause you're my favorite kiss

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 11:40

下个音乐搜索的软件:手机版的 猎曲骑兵(sound hound)之类的!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 11:40

怎么把word 标题第几章和后面的标题中间的位置弄小点?有图片 钢化膜是抗蓝光的好 还是普通的好 都是在官网上买的 价钱都一样 但是抗... 我朋友借我5000块钱,说好5天还的,到现在3个月了人都不见。电话也不借... 有谁知道明年晋城富士康多会招工呢?是不是现在进富士康不好进去了? ...深圳 找工作 几月份去好呢?是年底去,还是二三月去??我是明年... 你们借出去的钱,要回来了吗?你如何看待那些借钱不还的人 别人借我6万元钱,7年了,现在他不认了,借条也丢了怎么办 ...跟他要的时候说还,可就不见还,一直托着还钱时间,当时没写借条... 我在网上认识一个人把钱借给了他没给借条怎么办?他现在也不想还? ...欠我5000块钱,打了借条,请问我有必要起诉他吗,起诉他的费用下来要... 猫咪宝贝串烧第二首歌曲名 ...我可以让前台小姐姐帮忙陪我打视频吗她们会同意吗? 请问这是什么片名字叫什么谢谢了 珊农·沃德华德的为啥不火 一个餐厅服务员穿的是粉色衣服用精子结单的片子 印尼潜水最佳时间介绍 铁艺床和实木床哪个好 铁床好还是木床好 铁床和木床特点介绍 姐姐不吃不喝两天了怎么劝她? 我不想和别人分享任何东西包括吃东西玩 怎么办能怎么办 特别想跟人分享吃的但是不敢怎么办 如何拯救不爱社交的姐姐? 为什么我的姐姐就不像其它姐姐对待妹妹一样,从来没给我买过吃的,买过... 我姐,亲姐姐,她每次买东西都不会想到我,只给自己买,有好吃的都会藏起来... 自己的姐姐对自己很冷漠怎么办? 我国是一个海陆兼备的国家,下列说法正确的是 A.我国陆地面积960万平方... ...陆地面积约960万平方千米,是海陆兼备的国家,其中陆地面积居世界... 岳阳五里牌的汽车站入口在哪里 ...东站旁边的汽车站到监利的车最晚几点?票价几何? 奔跑吧金靖在第几期 ...男主姓龙,但不知道叫什么,还有一个女配叫花如萱 孟羽童一站到底哪一期 从成都郫县红光镇托普学到成都市青羊区日月大道1617号怎么坐公交车_百... 成都市郫都区红光镇妇女到那里去取生育环收费不贵 从郫县红光镇成都市妇女儿童中心医院有尾号限行吗 我要到成都儿童医院去看娃娃 从郫县红光咋坐车啊!急 郫县红光哪里有耍女的 食盐能消毒吗食用盐能不能消毒? 夏大豆的灌排方法有哪些? 蚁人2电影百度云 小花第三季动全集 芜湖杨家巷小区周边配套怎么样? 求助一份公司章程 2014年安徽合肥肥西县重点工程建设管理局招聘公告 余留芬老公是谁 冠心病的出院医嘱怎么写 出院记录应该怎么写? 寒山诞的传说 玉林寒山诞是什么时候 玉林什么时候有庙会