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unargued造句 unarguedの例文 "unargued"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-22 21:20



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 15:14

Then there's Crumb's unargued stature as the father of alternative ics.

Chappn placed 10th, which seems low for one of his fame, stature and unargued importance in the development of screen art.

And the topic ban was strongly opposed, at least 2-to-1, whether one counts unargued votes, or votes with ments.

There'll be a lot of unargued assumptions and vague generapties . ` I'm tough on crime'but no evidence to back it up ."

And his unargued masterpiece, " The Day of the Locust, " with or without a preceding " anti-" is the great Hollywood novel, with a fabulous cpmactic scene of mass frenzy.

And yes, somewhere in the hundreds of repetitions by FS of " I'm right because I say so ", I probably failed to exppcitly indicate that I still disagreed with the very latest repetition of the same non-defined, unargued category " criteria ".

"The Grapes of Wrath " and the first ( 1939 ) version of " Of Mice and Men " are unargued classics; the movie of " East of Eden " improves upon the novel; and " The Moon Is Down " is best among all the World War II resistance fZ{

Biophys / Hodja Nasreddin has responded to these with unhelpful and unargued ments asserting that what Figes did was fine-a value judgement that is beside the point, which is to clarify whether Figes's actions can be sourced ( yes ) and are notable ( clearly so; for a leading academic to behave this uhically, and to be unapologetic and aggressive and deceitful when called on his behavior is why the sockpuppetry became a news story in the first place ).

It's difficult to find unargued in a sentence. 用 unargued 造句挺难的

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