爱因斯坦 的< E=mc2 > 是否就是狭意义相对论
发布时间:2023-06-22 14:02
时间:2024-12-15 00:59
<img alt="爱因斯坦 的 E=mc2 >是否就是狭意义相对论" src="">
E=能量 m=质量 c=光速 爱因斯坦既相对论提过..当物体高速运动达到光速以上便会发生神奇的事。 亦即是人们所称的穿越时空..不过只是理论..目前还未有人证实过。 不过外国已经有国家进行紧「粒子碰撞实验」..即是两粒粒子高速运动, 达到光速后再两者相撞,模拟太阳的形成..亦即时核聚变, 不过霍金曾经用100元美金输赌
这个实验不会成功.. 况且,如果真的能成功..黑洞可是巨大质量的东西,吸力也相当大(地球地心吸力) 有网上预言家 john titor 提过,他是使用小黑洞来穿越时空, 但后来从他一个预中被推翻,就是(2008年北京奥运不能举办) 举个例:你有时光机,你回到过去把自己杀掉,那么你自己会怎样? 粒子是不会增加或减少.. 所以相对论也只在证实状态。
参考: zh. *** /zh-/Wikipedia:%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5
Albert Einstein published his "special theory of relativity" in 1905. Later in the (same) year
he published another paper
using the basis of special relativity theory
arriving at an equation for "mass energy equivalence". Therefore
the equation E=mc^2 was in fact publsihed separately from the theory of relativity
although the o are publish in the same year. The following paragraph is quoted from the web-page given below: "That same year
which has been called Einstein's annus mirabilis or "miracle year"
he published four ground breaking papers
on the photoelectric effect
Brownian motion
special relativity
and the equivalence of matter and energy
which were to bring him to the notice of the academic world. You may refer to the first paragraph under the section on "Academic career": en. *** /wiki/Albert_Einstein