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有首歌的歌词好像是“in so hot the bad girl"那首是什么歌?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-22 05:18



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 14:09

楼主听下是不是Gwen Stefani 的《Hollaback girl 》



Uh huh, this my shit
All the girls stomp your feet like this

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl

Oooh, this my shit, this my shit

I heard that you were talking shit
And you didn t think that I would hear it
People hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired up
So I m ready to attack, gonna lead the pack
Gonna get a touchdown, gonna take you out
That s right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired up

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl

Oooh, this my shit, this my shit

So that s right de, meet me at the bleachers
No principals, no student-teachers
All the boys want to be the winner, but there can only be one
So I m gonna fight, gonna give it my all
Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you
That s right, I m the last one standing, another one bites the st

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl
Oooh, this my shit, this my shit
Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl 赞同0| 评论

热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 14:10

Gwen Stefani 的《Hollaback girl 》!!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 14:10

是不是bad girl这首歌

热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 14:11


热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 14:12

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