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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:46



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 03:24

1、Cherish everything,whether it's a glass of water or a walk in the park。But most people are lucky。They don't know when to stop。


2、Most people don't appreciate being alive


Knowing death can change everything。If I tell you the exact time of death,it will completely change your world

得知死讯能改变一切 如果我告诉你死亡的具体时间 那会彻底*你的世界。

3、Don't take life for granted,don't wait to know how to cherish it


4、Tired of those who don't know how to appreciate blessings and those who laugh at other people's suffering


5、Game over


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 03:24

Hello,Kerry.I want to play a game.Up until now you have spent your life among the dead piecing togather their final moments.You are good at this because you,like them,are also dead.Dead on the iside.You indentify more with a corpse than you do with a living human.I believe you want to join your true family,indeed,your only family,in deadth.The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage.And by the time this tape is finished,you will have one minute to find a way out.At the end of that minute,you should know better than anyone what happens then.There is a simple key that will unlock the harness,Kerry.It is right in front of you.All you have to do is reach in and take it.But do it quickly.The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds.Make your choice.
Hello,Amanda.You don't know me,but I know you.I want to play a game.Here's what happens if you lose.The device you're wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaws.When the timer at the back goes off...your mouth will be permanently ripped open.Think of it like a reverse bear trap.Here,I'll show you.Here's only one key to open the device.It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate.Look around,Amanda.Know that I'm not lying.You better hurry up.Live or die.Make your choice.
Hello,Mark,if you're so sick...then why do I have so many photos of you up and about?Let's put your so-called illness to the test.Right now,there's a slow-acting poison in your veins.The antidote is inside the safe.The combination to the safe...is writen on the wall.Hurry up and program it in.But watch your step.By the way,that's flammable substance smeared on your body.So I would be careful with that candle,if I were you...or all the people you've burned with your act...just might have their revenge.
你好,马克,如果你真的有病,为何我有你很多外出的照片?让我们来测试你所谓的“生病”.现在,你的血管被注入了慢性毒素.解毒剂在保险箱里面.保险箱密码组合...写在墙上.快把它找出来输入进去。不过要小心你的脚下.顺便说一下,你的身上都是易燃物.如果我是你,我会格外小心蜡烛...否则所有你曾烧死的人...都会报了他们的仇的 只弄到了这么一点,希望你能喜欢。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 03:25

Hello,Kerry.I want to play a game.Up until now you have spent your life among the dead piecing togather their final moments.You are good at this because you,like them,are also dead.Dead on the iside.You indentify more with a corpse than you do with a living human.I believe you want to join your true family,indeed,your only family,in deadth.The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage.And by the time this tape is finished,you will have one minute to find a way out.At the end of that minute,you should know better than anyone what happens then.There is a simple key that will unlock the harness,Kerry.It is right in front of you.All you have to do is reach in and take it.But do it quickly.The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds.Make your choice.
Hello,Amanda.You don't know me,but I know you.I want to play a game.Here's what happens if you lose.The device you're wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaws.When the timer at the back goes off...your mouth will be permanently ripped open.Think of it like a reverse bear trap.Here,I'll show you.Here's only one key to open the device.It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate.Look around,Amanda.Know that I'm not lying.You better hurry up.Live or die.Make your choice.
Hello,Mark,if you're so sick...then why do I have so many photos of you up and about?Let's put your so-called illness to the test.Right now,there's a slow-acting poison in your veins.The antidote is inside the safe.The combination to the safe...is writen on the wall.Hurry up and program it in.But watch your step.By the way,that's flammable substance smeared on your body.So I would be careful with that candle,if I were you...or all the people you've burned with your act...just might have their revenge.
你好,马克,如果你真的有病,为何我有你很多外出的照片?让我们来测试你所谓的“生病”.现在,你的血管被注入了慢性毒素.解毒剂在保险箱里面.保险箱密码组合...写在墙上.快把它找出来输入进去。不过要小心你的脚下.顺便说一下,你的身上都是易燃物.如果我是你,我会格外小心蜡烛...否则所有你曾烧死的人...都会报了他们的仇的 只弄到了这么一点,希望你能喜欢。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 03:25

Today,you'll view the world differently 今天你的世界观将得到改变、
Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.But not you. Not anymore.(大多数人并不懂得感激生命,但是你不会了,再也不会了 暂时这些
《Lycoris Recoil》泷奈千里走单骑救千束,她们还真有夫妻相 美少女、热兵器——起底《lycoris recoil》的流量密码 西方的饮茶礼仪 天津 大众卡 什么叫“大众卡是按天扣费的” iPhone发送短信技巧你知道吗 收不到手机短信验证码怎么解决? 人体一共有多少快骨头! 人体由多少块骨头组成其中头颅骨、躯干骨、四肢骨、各是多少._百度知 ... 电测量及电能计量装置设计技术规程内容简介 大家谁知道配电盘安装规范是什么 if you could have dinner with anyone (living or dead) who would it be? 英语if you have any concerns怎么翻译? If you or anyone with you后加have对吗? 上海虹桥火车站到吴淞口国际邮轮码头最快的方式? 上海吴淞口国际邮轮码头怎么去 上海邮轮港口对所在城市的促进作用? 巴厘岛坐轮船到上海市该去哪一个轮船码头? 上海去日本韩国的游轮港口地址 请问上海出发的歌诗达邮轮登船码头在哪里啊?哪个区? 上海龙吴港码头的介绍 上海邮轮到厦门请问在哪个港口上船? 想知道: 上海市 外滩的上海港国际邮轮码头 在哪 如何看待吴淞口国际邮轮港已成国际邮轮母港这件事情? 中国邮轮母港有哪几个 邮轮旅游在上海出发是在哪里的港口? 上海港口的码头有哪些? 吴泾码头最多能停靠多少吨位船 MineCraft 求一个整合了工业2,神秘2,红石2,建筑,女仆,铁路...等MOD的服务端 上海乘游轮可以去哪些地方 win10红石2叫什么中文名字 知识与问答 注销了支付宝之后身份证可以重新注册支付宝验证吗 傲慢与偏见的对白 中药方子查询,吸油减肥汤,荷叶3g,泽泻3g,绞股蓝10g,乌龙茶7g,决明 减肥瘦身汤配方 阅读理解中的长难句是好句子吗,阅读理解中的长? pos机批结算单有笔T0消费是什么? 【高分】求中药减肥配方 选最优答案:With children,if you say "no",you have to mean__A__. A.that B.this C.it D.one 吸油汤减肥的材料都用几克 傲慢与偏见经典台词 陈孟颖中药减肥吸油汤 有首英文歌,我想知道歌名 有谁知道通过喝中药减肥的方法 会英语的来 帮我翻译一下这句话 我想减肥,谁有中药减肥配方的 翻译以下几个句子。谢谢 中药减肥是真的吗?麻烦中医达人帮我参考下下面的配方内容,谢谢! If you have a brother or sister, you already know you are different from each other. if you have any trouble _ your studies。(in,on,with,about),这句话填哪个介词,还有这句话的翻译是? 中药世家吸油汤,减肥效果到底怎样,微信上是真是假 11.If you have to___between staying here alone or going with me,what would you do?