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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 03:16



热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 11:54

The Tale of Departure
Completed the Tale of Departure.
The Tale of the Azure Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Azure Maiden.
※过场动画后重新进入Seabed Temple,在祭坛处和Hyd对话
Empty Mutterings
Talked to Hyd, lingering at the altar of the Seabed Temple.
※进入Hero's Dominion后,前往饰品店(Accessory Shop)完成事件。
Lost and Found
Returned the lost items found in Coveton and Heroes' Dominion to their rightful owners.
The Tale of the Crimson Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Crimson Maiden.
Maiden On a Mission
Met L'via, the determined maiden of the Heroes' Dominion.
The Tale of the Onyx Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Onyx Maiden.
What Happiness Weighs
Talked to Blight, cradling his newborn in Fenmoss.
The Champion
Emerged the victor of the arena's open tournament.
Straw Millionaire
Had the armorer in Alabaster City craft a piece of equipment for you.
The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Ivory Maiden.
At Peace
Found a fallen masked youth on the North Isle.
Strange Friends
Met the young women serving as Alabaster City's maiden and attendant.
Azure Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Azure Spirit's Relic.
Crimson Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Crimson Spirit's Relic.
Ivory Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Ivory Spirit's Relic.
Onyx Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Onyx Spirit's Relic.
Filthy Rich!
Obtained more than 50,000G.
The Tale of Omega Village
Completed the Tale of Omega Village.
※表白剧情过后,获得Laty的最终武器,同时全部Key Item应该也收集完成了
The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Ivory Maiden.
The Tale of the Heart's Domain
The Tale of the Heart's Domain will continue...
The Tale of the Beginning
Completed all tales.
Character Fanatic
Collected all character cards.
The Abyssal Sea
Prevented the Isle Eater from rising anew in the Dread Sea.
Collected all skill cards.
Peak Performance
Reached MAX LV with one character.
Powered Up
Began a game using saved data carried over.
Weapon Collector
Collected all equipment cards.
Master of Monsters
Collected all enemy cards.
Card Collector
Completed your collection.
Easy Win
Defeated all enemies without taking any damage.
Battle Tactics
Struck foes with elements they are weak to thrice in a single battle.
Saved up the maximum amount of gems.
Live and Let Live
Successfully fled a battle.
Player in the Making
Played at a game parlor for the first time.
Rookie Player
Won a round on Simple at the game parlor.
Seasoned Player
Won a round on Add Skills at the game parlor.
Passionate Player
Won a round on Add Events at the game parlor.
Master Player
Won a round on Include All at the game parlor.
The Forsaken Maiden
Earned all achievements.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 11:54

The Tale of Departure
Completed the Tale of Departure.
The Tale of the Azure Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Azure Maiden.
※过场动画后重新进入Seabed Temple,在祭坛处和Hyd对话
Empty Mutterings
Talked to Hyd, lingering at the altar of the Seabed Temple.
※进入Hero's Dominion后,前往饰品店(Accessory Shop)完成事件。
Lost and Found
Returned the lost items found in Coveton and Heroes' Dominion to their rightful owners.
The Tale of the Crimson Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Crimson Maiden.
Maiden On a Mission
Met L'via, the determined maiden of the Heroes' Dominion.
The Tale of the Onyx Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Onyx Maiden.
What Happiness Weighs
Talked to Blight, cradling his newborn in Fenmoss.
The Champion
Emerged the victor of the arena's open tournament.
Straw Millionaire
Had the armorer in Alabaster City craft a piece of equipment for you.
The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Ivory Maiden.
At Peace
Found a fallen masked youth on the North Isle.
Strange Friends
Met the young women serving as Alabaster City's maiden and attendant.
Azure Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Azure Spirit's Relic.
Crimson Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Crimson Spirit's Relic.
Ivory Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Ivory Spirit's Relic.
Onyx Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Onyx Spirit's Relic.
Filthy Rich!
Obtained more than 50,000G.
The Tale of Omega Village
Completed the Tale of Omega Village.
※表白剧情过后,获得Laty的最终武器,同时全部Key Item应该也收集完成了
The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Ivory Maiden.
The Tale of the Heart's Domain
The Tale of the Heart's Domain will continue...
The Tale of the Beginning
Completed all tales.
Character Fanatic
Collected all character cards.
The Abyssal Sea
Prevented the Isle Eater from rising anew in the Dread Sea.
Collected all skill cards.
Peak Performance
Reached MAX LV with one character.
Powered Up
Began a game using saved data carried over.
Weapon Collector
Collected all equipment cards.
Master of Monsters
Collected all enemy cards.
Card Collector
Completed your collection.
Easy Win
Defeated all enemies without taking any damage.
Battle Tactics
Struck foes with elements they are weak to thrice in a single battle.
Saved up the maximum amount of gems.
Live and Let Live
Successfully fled a battle.
Player in the Making
Played at a game parlor for the first time.
Rookie Player
Won a round on Simple at the game parlor.
Seasoned Player
Won a round on Add Skills at the game parlor.
Passionate Player
Won a round on Add Events at the game parlor.
Master Player
Won a round on Include All at the game parlor.
The Forsaken Maiden
Earned all achievements.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 11:55

The Tale of Departure
Completed the Tale of Departure.
The Tale of the Azure Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Azure Maiden.
※过场动画后重新进入Seabed Temple,在祭坛处和Hyd对话
Empty Mutterings
Talked to Hyd, lingering at the altar of the Seabed Temple.
※进入Hero's Dominion后,前往饰品店(Accessory Shop)完成事件。
Lost and Found
Returned the lost items found in Coveton and Heroes' Dominion to their rightful owners.
The Tale of the Crimson Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Crimson Maiden.
Maiden On a Mission
Met L'via, the determined maiden of the Heroes' Dominion.
The Tale of the Onyx Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Onyx Maiden.
What Happiness Weighs
Talked to Blight, cradling his newborn in Fenmoss.
The Champion
Emerged the victor of the arena's open tournament.
Straw Millionaire
Had the armorer in Alabaster City craft a piece of equipment for you.
The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Ivory Maiden.
At Peace
Found a fallen masked youth on the North Isle.
Strange Friends
Met the young women serving as Alabaster City's maiden and attendant.
Azure Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Azure Spirit's Relic.
Crimson Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Crimson Spirit's Relic.
Ivory Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Ivory Spirit's Relic.
Onyx Spirit's Relic
Obtained the Onyx Spirit's Relic.
Filthy Rich!
Obtained more than 50,000G.
The Tale of Omega Village
Completed the Tale of Omega Village.
※表白剧情过后,获得Laty的最终武器,同时全部Key Item应该也收集完成了
The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
Completed the Tale of the Ivory Maiden.
The Tale of the Heart's Domain
The Tale of the Heart's Domain will continue...
The Tale of the Beginning
Completed all tales.
Character Fanatic
Collected all character cards.
The Abyssal Sea
Prevented the Isle Eater from rising anew in the Dread Sea.
Collected all skill cards.
Peak Performance
Reached MAX LV with one character.
Powered Up
Began a game using saved data carried over.
Weapon Collector
Collected all equipment cards.
Master of Monsters
Collected all enemy cards.
Card Collector
Completed your collection.
Easy Win
Defeated all enemies without taking any damage.
Battle Tactics
Struck foes with elements they are weak to thrice in a single battle.
Saved up the maximum amount of gems.
Live and Let Live
Successfully fled a battle.
Player in the Making
Played at a game parlor for the first time.
Rookie Player
Won a round on Simple at the game parlor.
Seasoned Player
Won a round on Add Skills at the game parlor.
Passionate Player
Won a round on Add Events at the game parlor.
Master Player
Won a round on Include All at the game parlor.
The Forsaken Maiden
Earned all achievements.
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