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商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1-4 Elements of Comparison

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 01:11



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 15:02

There are so many similar procts in the market.在商场有很多相同的产品

It can be hard to know what to buy.非常难知道要买什么。

Before you buy a proct, here are some factors to consider.在你买这产品,这里有几个因素需要考虑。

proct features 产品特性

A proct's features include its appearance, parts, or capabilities.产品的特性包括外观、部件或功能

They usually improve a proct's performance.他们经常提高产品的性能

They also provide benefit to a proct's customers.他们也为客户提供优惠

For example, a feature of a watch can be it's waterproof.例如,一款手表的功能可以防水的。

What features do you look for when choosing a car?当你选车的时候,你比较看重那个功能

I want a car with more than five seats.我想找一辆五座的车

Can you introce the main features of this watch?你能介绍一下这款手表的主要特点吗?

It records your heart rate when you're wearing it.当你带这款手边的时候,它可以记录你的心跳频率。

price 价格

Price is a major factor that affects people's buying decision.价格是影响人们购买产品的主要因素

Besides the purchase price of a proct, you may also need to consider its hidden costs.除了产品的购买价格,你可能还需要考虑它的隐藏成本。

For example, the hidden costs of buying a car include parking fees and cost of maintenance.例如,买车的隐性成本包括停车费和维修费。

How much is it? It doesn't have a price on it.多少钱?它没有标价。

It's 89 dollars.这是89美元。

Sorry sir, this is the lowest price we can give you.对不起,这是我们能给你的最低价格

It's still too expensive.还是太贵了

I won't buy it unless it's the right price.如果不低一点,我不会购买的


Under a warranty, a company will replace a broken proct within a specific time frame.

A good warranty will last for a year or even longer.

Some companies even have lifetime warranty on their procts.

I bought this laptop two years ago. Is it still under warranty?

Yes, it has a three-year warranty.

What kind of warranty does this television come with?

It comes with a two-year warranty.

proct reputation

You may want to consider the soft aspects of a proct, such as its reputation.

A proct's reputation reflects how it is viewed by customers.

You can compare procts' reputations by looking at customer reviews.

The proct has a good reputation for its quality.

Their proct has a higher reputation than their competitors'.

brand association

Another important soft aspect is a proct's brand association.

Customers often associate a proct with a logo, an idea or a celebrity.

For example, one of the strongest Nike brand associations is "Just do it."

Nike is often associated with the spirit of never giving up.
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