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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-25 07:15



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 06:51

in an article published:在一篇出版的文章中。
in the article published:在这篇出版的文章中。
英语不定冠词a / an 是泛指,表示“某一”。而定冠词the则是特指,表示“这个(那个)”。人或物名词第一次出现时,往往用不定冠词,再次出现就要用定冠词。例如:
This is a new car and the car is blue. 这是一辆新车,它是蓝色的。
The people in the village live in poverty. 村子里面的人生活贫困。

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 06:51


热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 06:52

New research from the United States suggests that the millennia-old therapy of yoga could benefit millions of people who suffered from back problems.(1)____ In an article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on December 20.researchers concluded that yoga was a effectiva treatment for back pain than conventional therapy.(12)____ A study concting at the Group Health Gooperative in Washington State required 101 alts to follow a choice of remedial treatments-a 12-week course in yoga, 12 weeks of standard therapeutic exercise or the same period following instructions in the self-help book.(3)____ The results showed yoga both expedited relief from pain and had longer lasting benefits. Lead researcher Dr. Karen Sherman said this was because "mind and body effects” were in the collusion.(4)____(5)____
The article states that; "Most treatments for chronic low back
pain have modest efficacy at best. Exercise rs one of the few proven treatments... however, its effects are often small, and no form has been shown to be clear better than another.(6)____ Yoga, which often couples physical exercise with breathing, is a popular alternative form of 'mind-body' therapy. It may benefit patients with back pain simply because .it involves exercise or because its effects on mental focus.(7)____ We found no published studies in western biomedical literacy that evaluated yoga for chronic low back pain; moreover, we designed a clinical trial to evaluate its effectiveness."(8)____(9)____ Millions of people worldwide swear at yoga to improve their mental and physical h
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