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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-06 08:31



热心网友 时间:2024-03-19 19:55


英 [ʌndə'niːθ]  美 [,ʌndɚ'niθ] 

       prep. 在…的下面;在…的形式下;在…的支配下

beneath 英 [bɪ'niːθ]  美 [bɪ'niθ] 

词性上:beneath fml 
1.in a lower place; below.在下方;在下面 
2.directly under; underneath.在底下,在正下方 
eg.We looked down from the plane at the fields spread out beneath.
1.lower than; below 低于;在…下方; 
covered or concealed by被…覆盖,被…隐藏:
2.under the force,control,or influence of 在…力量、控制或影响之下 
lower than,as in rank or station 低于…,如在等级或地位上低于 
3.unworthy of; unbefitting 不值得;有损于 
eg.The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖.
The ship sank beneath the waves.轮船沉没于波涛下面.
a village beneath the hill 山下的村庄 
to feel the sand beneath one’s foot 感觉到脚下的沙子 
She has a lot of sympathy with those beneath her.她十分同情那些地位比她低下的人.
It was beneath me to beg.不值得我去乞求.
Such behavior is beneath you.这种行为与你的身份不符.
Usage under / beneath / underneath / below 
1.under is the most common word when one thing is directly under another thing,or covered by it.
beneath can also be used in that way,but may suggest that the two objects are not close to each other; it can also be used in poetic or literary writing.
eg.Under the bed / under blanket 
The submarine is waiting,far beneath the ship.潜艇远远地在那艘船下面等着.
They strolled together beneath the summer moon.他们在夏夜月光下散布.
2.under ( opposite over ) is used when there is movement from one side to another.
Underneath is used instead of under when a:to give more force to the idea of covering,touching or hiding.B:at the end of the sentence 
eg.The letter was pushed underneath the carpet.信被推到地毯下.
The old mine goes right underneath the city.老矿井恰好就在城市的下面.
She wears a read coat with a blue dress underneath.她穿了一件红外套,里面是蓝色的裙子.
3.below ( opposite above ) suggests only that one thing is in a lower position than another 
eg.There is a lake below the village,further down the valley.在村庄脚下山谷的另一头有一个湖.之下

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