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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-06 04:03



热心网友 时间:2024-12-09 11:03

I took a trip to Shanghai this August,which made me love the city of Shanghai. Shanghai is quite a big city where transportation is very convenient. It's not only economical but also fast to take the undergrounds. The World Expo in Shanghai was rather busy. It seemed a feature to queue up. Tired though it was,it was still worth visiting.
Be sure to pay a visit to the Bund when you are in Shanghai. It's greatly bustling. Just walk straight along Nanjing Rd,and you'll get there. You may see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, structures of European style and hear the bell. There are many attractions to see,such as the Shanghai Museum,Yu Garden,Qingpu,the Huangpu River and so on.
Shanghai is really a wonderful place to go.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-09 11:03

In August of this year I went to Shanghai. From that trip, I fell in love with Shanghai. Shanghai really very big, where the transportation is very convenient, take underground not only save money but also very quickly. Shanghai world expo abnormal lively, the biggest characteristic is to a row long team, although very tired but still feel very value.
Go to Shanghai to must go to the bund, there is very busy, so long as along nanjing road walk straight comes. You can see the Oriental pearl, European style of architecture, and still can hear the bell. Shanghai place worth going a lot, such as: Shanghai museum, the city god temple, qingpu, huangpu river.
Shanghai real good, worth.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-09 11:04

In August of this year I went to Shanghai. From that trip, I fell in love with Shanghai. Shanghai really very big, where the transportation is very convenient, take underground not only save money but also very quickly. Shanghai world expo abnormal lively, the biggest characteristic is to a row long team, although very tired but still feel very value.
Go to Shanghai to must go to the bund, there is very busy, so long as along nanjing road walk straight comes. You can see the Oriental pearl, European style of architecture, and still can hear the bell. Shanghai place worth going a lot, such as: Shanghai museum, the city god temple, qingpu, huangpu river.
Shanghai real good, worth!
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