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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-04 16:24



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 21:57


Absolutely not. At that time, USA was still a developing country on the threshold of instrialization, compared with its develped European counterparts.

2.what was there in US history which caused it to demand Europe return their colonis to local rule after WWII?

I don't think it has anything to do with US policies. After WWII, Europe found it almost impossible to maintain its colony in most parts of Asia and Afica, e to the collapse of economy and reconstruction after WWII. Plus, the surging trend to seek indepedence in the colonial countries or regions greatly dimished Europe's efforts for permanent colony.

3.do you think the USA is a predominantly white society, or a "multicultural " country of many diverse cultures? why?

Obviously, Us society is quite diversified in terms of culture and ethnic background, for USA population is dominated by immigrants from different nations.

4.has the US's reign as sole super-power come to an end?

A lot of people take it for granted that unipolarization has already been history, e to the end of the cold war and rapid developement of some booming and promising economic entities. But contrary to this misconcept and groundless conclusion, USA is still and will be the only super power in the world. The huge gap between US and other powerful nations has been increasing instead of having been narrowed.

5.what do you think is the feature for chinese-us relationships?

Actually, ralation or bilateral ties will be more proper and appropriate, compared with relationships, because we claimed to be strategic partner, based on mutual trust and respect. So judging from that relation, I think China hope to maintain and develop a very close relationship with US for the sake of our economy and social development, though our government protested against US China policies, laws, legislation, proposals, bills, official speech, etc form time to time.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 21:57


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