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翻译一下 两段

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 15:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:38

Each week entire backup needs three magnetic tapes, after the backupthe magnetic tape preserves for a month, treats when the month usecleans again the backup, each month of last week-long magnetic tapepreserves the bank. Once a week, stochastically restores some documents, the inspectioncontent, the table of contents and the document is whether complete

Chaque protection entière de semaine a besoin de trois bandesmagnétiques, après les conserves de bande magnétique de backupthependant un mois, festins quand les usecleans de mois encore laprotection, chaque mois de derniers semaine-longs tapepreservesmagnétiques la banque. Une fois par semaine, reconstituestochastiquement quelques documents, l'inspectioncontent, la table desmatières et le document est si complet

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:38

The whole backupses of every week need three dish magnetic tapes, the backup empress magnetic tape keeps for a month, wiping while needing the next month usage in addition to again backup, the monthly last week of magnetic tape keeps to the bank.

Recover some documents once a week and random, the check contents, catalogue and document whether integrity.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:39

Every week whole spare need 3 plates of tape, after spare, tape is preserved in one month, erase till next month when using again spare, the tape preservation of final one week per month goes to bank.
It is every week one, radom to resume some files , inspects content and catalog and file whether is complete.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:39

Weekly backup needs of all three cassettes, to preserve backup tapes after a month, the use of erasure again until next month backup. Taped last week kept monthly to the bank. Once a week to restore some random document checks, and the list of documents is complete.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:40

The whole backupses in every week need three dish magnetic tapes, the magnetic tape keeps for a month after the backup and wipe while needing the next month usage in addition to again backup, the last week of magnetic tape keeps bank monthly.

Once a week and random recover some documents, check contents, catalogue and document whether integrity.
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