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我想问下编钟既资料 要英文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-24 11:10



热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 05:15

Bian Zhong was a set of bronze musical instruments. This set of Bian Zhong varies in size. The largest one is 52cm and the *** allest 22cm high respectively. A total of 355 characters were engraved on these Bian Zhong with sharp tools. Two *** allest ones contain inscriptions with o-line and 11 characters. The inscriptions on separate Bian Zhong told a plete story that Marquis Su of the Jin State received order of the King of the Zhou State to attack "Su Yi" in 846 B.C. This set of Bian Zhong numbers 16 pieces in total. !4 pieces were found at an antique shop in Hong Kong and obtained by Shanghai Museum in December 1992. The rest o *** allest pieces were unearthed from Marquis Su's tomb in Shanxi Province in 1993. The styles of 14 pieces are identical to other o little ones and they can be put together according to their size and inscriptions. It is verified the original number of this set of Bian Zhong was 16.
参考: me
编钟 三个或以上具有一定音高的铜钟,并以音阶编排,称为编钟。 最初的钟用陶土制成,到了夏朝出现了青铜制成的钟,周朝已经用铜编钟演奏音乐。 西方的钟呈圆形,完音较长,并不一定适合作音乐演奏用途;而中国古代的钟扁,完音较短,每个音也比较清楚,所以适合作音乐演奏用途。 1978年,在中国湖北曾侯乙墓中发现了目前全国最大型的钟鼓乐队,悬挂的编钟有六十五个,分三层悬挂,重达二千五百公斤。 经过测音后得知每个钟都可发出两个固定音阶,全套编钟则可发出五个八度的十二个半音,只比现代钢琴少了最高及最低的两个八度。最有趣的是,这套编钟的「宫音」发声频率竟跟现代钢琴的*C大致相同。 rt/chiculture/china_music/main
A carillon-like instrument with less than 23 bells is called a chime. American chimes usually have one to one and a half diatonic octaves. Many chimes play an automated piece of music. Prior to 1900
chime bells typically lacked dynamic variation and the inner tuning (the mathematical balance of a bell's plex sound) required to permit the use of harmony. Since 1900
chime bells proced in Belgium
the Netherlands
and America have inner tuning and can proce fully harmonized music.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 05:15

Bian Zhong was a set of bronze musical instruments. This set of Bian Zhong varies in size. The largest one is 52cm and the *** allest 22cm high respectively. A total of 355 characters were engraved on these Bian Zhong with sharp tools. Two *** allest ones contain inscriptions with o-line and 11 characters. The inscriptions on separate Bian Zhong told a plete story that Marquis Su of the Jin State received order of the King of the Zhou State to attack "Su Yi" in 846 B.C. This set of Bian Zhong numbers 16 pieces in total. !4 pieces were found at an antique shop in Hong Kong and obtained by Shanghai Museum in December 1992. The rest o *** allest pieces were unearthed from Marquis Su's tomb in Shanxi Province in 1993. The styles of 14 pieces are identical to other o little ones and they can be put together according to their size and inscriptions. It is verified the original number of this set of Bian Zhong was 16.
参考: me
编钟 三个或以上具有一定音高的铜钟,并以音阶编排,称为编钟。 最初的钟用陶土制成,到了夏朝出现了青铜制成的钟,周朝已经用铜编钟演奏音乐。 西方的钟呈圆形,完音较长,并不一定适合作音乐演奏用途;而中国古代的钟扁,完音较短,每个音也比较清楚,所以适合作音乐演奏用途。 1978年,在中国湖北曾侯乙墓中发现了目前全国最大型的钟鼓乐队,悬挂的编钟有六十五个,分三层悬挂,重达二千五百公斤。 经过测音后得知每个钟都可发出两个固定音阶,全套编钟则可发出五个八度的十二个半音,只比现代钢琴少了最高及最低的两个八度。最有趣的是,这套编钟的「宫音」发声频率竟跟现代钢琴的*C大致相同。 rt/chiculture/china_music/main
A carillon-like instrument with less than 23 bells is called a chime. American chimes usually have one to one and a half diatonic octaves. Many chimes play an automated piece of music. Prior to 1900
chime bells typically lacked dynamic variation and the inner tuning (the mathematical balance of a bell's plex sound) required to permit the use of harmony. Since 1900
chime bells proced in Belgium
the Netherlands
and America have inner tuning and can proce fully harmonized music.
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