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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-24 21:23



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 12:28

1. 用There be句型写的英语作文

Look at my study. When you enter it, you will see a bookshelf on the left corner. There are hundreds of different books and magazines on it. Next to the bookshelf there is a desk and a chair where I study there. There is a record, a lamp and a puter on it. I often do my homework, listen to the tape and surf the inter there. There is a picture of movie star on the wall. My study is always clean and tidy. I like it very much.

你也可以写my bedroom, my classroom 可以用There is a/an。.. There are some。.

2. 用there be句型写一篇英语作文(五句话)

there be句型英语作文如下:This is our classroom.There are desks and chairs in it.There is a puter in the front of the classroom.There is a blackboard beside the puter.There are four windows in the walls.There are eight lights in it. l love my classroom.英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章;是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型.英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333337616439整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。


如小写字母i ,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的竖笔连在一起,显得十分别扭。




3. 用there be 句型写一篇英语作文(不少于6句)

Five years ago, our school is very *** all. There was only one building with o floors. There were enty teachers and seven classes. But now in our school, there are three buildings and there are 14 classes. And there is a big playround behind the classrooms, too. There are lots of trees and flowers in the school yard. Our school is beautiful now。

4. 用there be 句型写一篇英语作文(不少于6句)


There will be a park in our city. There will be different kind of flowers and trees in it. There will be artificial hills and fountains. There will also be fish in it, which will be amazing. There will be places for kids to have fun, and places for people to have a rest. Besides, there will be *** all shops for beverages and snacks. There will be a lot of people go there for fun then.

there be 句型。

5. there be句型的英语作文

Look at my study. When you enter it, you will see a bookshelf on the left corner. There are hundreds of different books and magazines on it. Next to the bookshelf there is a desk and a chair where I study there. There is a record, a lamp and a puter on it. I often do my homework, listen to the tape and surf the inter there. There is a picture of movie star on the wall. My study is always clean and tidy. I like it very much.

你也可以写my bedroom, my classroom 可以用There is a/an。.. There are some。.

6. 写两篇英语短文 用there be 的句型

My School

My school is big, There are o classroom buidings ,There is a big playground in the school. We often play games and do sports there .There is a library, We often read books , There is a nice garden ,too . There are many beautiful flowers in the garden.

7. 英语作文用there be句型带翻译

my classroom

I'm in Class -(数字), Grade -(数字). My classroom is not very big, but it is clean. There are many desks snd chairs in it. There are o blackboards on the wall. There is a teacher's desk in front of the blackboard. There are four lights on the white wall. And there are four fans near the lights. There are seven windows in it. I like my classroom! Wele to my classroom

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