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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:26



热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 15:03

冰河世纪The glacier starts to melt,the disaster will erupt.Once a glacier time being born was 20th century Fox sings has made a sound the gospel.Does smiles three swordsmen -- machairses to enlighten Ye Ge, the tree otter hopes Germany and fierce elephant Manny,with 60 million US dollars manufactures expenses,created the first box office to break through 200 million animation long pieces the record,also has won the global nearly 400 million US dollars box offices.
The sequel inferior to the previous work, gains to run obviously is not Fox goal,With the many days careful manufacture, the slow merit left the delicate work "the glacier to melt".Not only lets animation confusing await eagerly, also has decided on in advance the idea which before surmounting does!Secretly the original members still are famous "the blue sky work room",The style also maintains does smiles warmly is invariable, but the movie has actually carried on a most important change,Let that only bad luck tenacious steadily two teeth the inferior squirrel shoulders the summer beam.This only in order to bury the loose fruit actually to initiate the big avalanche gold medal supporting role really is too receives welcome,The light looked how this prehistoric small squirrel does carry on under the iceberg favorable crag extremely has the limit challenge to seek the loose fruit movement,The excavation, the diving, smells searches, sways back and forth, continues to make the crack glacier, the initiation diastrophism, subsequently "the deconstruction world",Already had has smiled the broken belly the guarantee!
Said the solid speech, this flat and thin piece very is really good! Did not look is your regret!
"Kung Fu Panda" is coming. While the White may also be said that, but I do want to say, "Kung Fu Panda" How I Met Your Mother is a suitable wife and kids love a friend Duier a classmate of my colleagues look at the animation works. In particular, it recruit laugh, especially dazzling, and quite inspirational - in addition to those who intend to lose weight or are in the men would not serve any purpose other than to encourage the role. When I walked into the cinema, Guang when to take that, is a national language bbing, but also somewhat disappointing, not a few, I feel very good. Think "Kung Fu Panda" is a "Chinese" cartoons, then say in Chinese is no longer normal - at least not look tired. However, in order to avoid misunderstanding, or to be more than one mouth, I do not think the film bbing is well deserved. "Kung Fu Panda," the voice, let us recognize that the Chinese film instry above those of the tota Lee King, are little by little from the clouds and close to the gas. They are no longer used at every turn on the block like the hands on how much more like a small pagoda on a small number of dections you die, and it seems to have some fun with the people openly trend. I mean, before the King who is also a tota Lee, "the Lok Lok Man", but not openly, after all, we are all human beings do, Qiqingliuyu, then going on to children. There is a tacit understanding of the situation there is a long, Tota Lee King were to decide that we can at the cinema to see what can not see what, and who we want to see, look at the favorite, Li Jing who is also the most The love and want to see, and the difference is we do not surreptitiously. There is no denying that the audience is a country's film instry can thrive cornerstone. We are a bright and lively avant-garde naughty rebellious Prince Nacha three for possession of our father was, of course, we hope that he will not always be a Bugouyanxiao, Tubie the dignified old-fashioned style. So when "Kung Fu Panda", there have been bbed the "anything is possible" and "it is quite popular, and so on ......" terms, the audience will know that this includes the" humor "," network "And" street sense "that the tota Lee King a little bit, he would like to make friends of the son of Ne Zha. Panda in particular the phrase "my JJ", so that the audience in a little surprising to us, is a very, very happy and relaxed with a great sense of relief really. Because our film culture, have finally accepted a measure of male genitalia of a joke. Please be assured that time will prove that the sentence "My JJ", in Chinese film-trial investigation system development over a long period, have a great significance of the milestone. After a number of years if some people want to write about the history of Chinese film and the book and get it Pianqian Taiweibalang to establish their own position, "Kung Fu Panda" in the sentence "My JJ" the voice is bound to be great Letters, as it is not in the past around the monument. The audience was a little surprised from the system after the instinct to judge, in the past, if there is such "indecent" composition, or voice to "Hao Tong ah," "I Tengsi" and so on, and then as usual With the original images, or simply the security Kaka in the first period to cut the whole movie - before we review the way the film is based on the standard Li Jing to the purification of all movies. In today's "Kung Fu Panda", Lee King tota not our own "national treasure" for the castration, for which we would rather believe that this is the increased level of Li Jing, rather than cold-drawn "I let you a happy return . " "Kung Fu Panda" look very good.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 16:21

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