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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-03 11:43



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:22

Cuju 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/f/fc/Chujutu/180px-Chujutu Cuju (Chinese: 蹴鞠) is an ancient sport similar to football (soccer)
played in China as well as Korea and Japan. In Chinese
蹴 ("Cu") me kick while 鞠 ("ju") me ball. Although disputed
in 2004
football's erning body Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) officially acknowledged that China was the birthplace of football. The game became popular ring China's Warring States Period (476-221 BC). Back then
cuju was used to train military cavaliers e to the fierce nature of the sport. During the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)
the popularity of cuju spread from the army to the royal courts and upper classes. It is said that the Han emperor Wu Di enjoyed the sport. At the same time
cuju games were standardized and rules were established. Football matches were often held inside the imperial palace. A type of court called "ju" cheng was built especially for cuju matches
which had six crescent-shaped goal posts at each end. The sport was improved ring the Tang Dynasty (618-907). First of all
the feather-stuffed ball was replaced by an air-filled ball with a o-layered hull. Also
o different types of goal posts emerged: One was made by setting up posts with a beeen them and the other consisted of just one goal post in the middle of the field. The level of female cuju teams also improved. Records indicate that once a 17-year-old girl beat a team of army soldiers. Cuju flourished ring the Song Dynasty (960-1279) e to social and economic development
extending its popularity to every class in society. At that time
professional cuju players were quite popular
and the sport began to take on a mercial edge. Professional cuju players fell into o groups: One was trained by and performed for the royal court (unearthed copper mirrors and brush pots from the Song often depict professional performances) and the other consisted of civili who made a living as cuju players. In the Song Dynasty only one goal post was set up in the middle of the field. Cuju anizations were set up in large cities called Qi Yun She or Yuan She - now known as the earliest professional cuju club - whose members were either cuju lovers or professional performers. Non-professional players had to formally appoint a professional as his or her teacher and pay a fee before being a member. This process ensured an ine for the professionals.Unlike cuju of the Tang Dynasty
蹴鞠是中国古代的足球运动。蹴就是“踢”,鞠是“球”。蹴鞠就是用脚踢球。它被认为是现在足球的雏形。 蹴鞠在中国起源非常早,文字记载可以上溯至战国时代,当时的齐国和楚国非常盛行蹴鞠。到了汉代,由于汉高祖刘邦的推行,蹴鞠已经发展成为一项非常专业化的运动,并且有比较健全的比赛规则。汉朝皇室中的蹴鞠规模很大,设有专门的球场,四周还有围墙和看台,球则是实心的。在当时比较正规的蹴鞠比赛分为两队,双方各有十二名队员参加,以踢进球门的球数的多少来决定胜负。由于蹴鞠的对抗性强,在当时多盛行于军队的军事训练中。东汉李尤《鞠城铭》述:“圆鞠方墙,仿像阴阳。法月衡对,二六相当。建长立平,其例有常。不以亲疏,不有阿私。端心平意,莫怨是非。”西汉时已经有了专业的书籍《蹴鞠二十五篇》。 至唐朝,蹴鞠的形制有的很大的改变,技术也有很大的提高,更接近于现代的足球。所用的球用动物膀胱充气做成,然后用8块皮缝起来,弹性良好。球门用两根竹竿支起一个网,分成两门两队比赛。另外还有一种踢法是两队隔网比赛,中间的网上有一个球门,以射门进球数决定胜负。有宫庭的数百人一起参加的大型活动,也有家庭式的几个人的小比赛。 宋代时两门两队的对抗性踢法开始消失,盛行以表现个人技巧的踢法,谓之“白打”。踢球者可以我是好牧人...除手以外身体任何部位触球,表演各种动作而不使球落地。既有单人表演,亦有二三人乃至十余人的共同表演。也形成了专业的蹴鞠艺人团体,名为齐云社(圆社),并出版各种专业书籍。宋朝的皇帝很多也非常喜欢蹴鞠,《水浒传》中所述的高俅就是因球艺高超而成为皇帝的宠臣。 此外,唐宋时期还流行女子蹴鞠,其形式类似于现代的毽球。 隋唐时代蹴鞠和佛教一起传到了日本,今日韩语及日语中仍可见称足球为蹴球的用法,便是受到中国的影响。 至清代,爱好溜冰的满族人曾将其与滑冰结合起来,出现了“冰上蹴鞠”的运动形式。清代中叶以后,随着西方现代足球的传入,中国传统的蹴鞠活动被现代足球所取代。
参考: ***
蹴鞠=足球=football OK? 就是这样!
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