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谁帮我找到Treaty Of Paris乐队的Waking Up The Dead歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-01 05:12



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 13:54

Waking Up The Dead
歌手:suicidal tendencies
专辑:controlled by hatred

(Mike Muir/Mike Clark)
Kept in the guard of Mother Nature's womb
Resting in the safety of their tomb
Sheltered by six feet of soil and rock
The spade is the key with which their gate we'll unlock
Why should they be resting so peacefully
When we're up above in pure misery
I don't care that they've already died
That's not enough to make me satisfied
So we wait till the stroke of the midnight hour
Then we'll unleas the darkest of power
Hell's gates will open a new judgment day
Now is the time that the dead will pay
Why should they be resting so peacefully
When we're up above in pure misery
I don't care that they've already died
That's not enough to make me satisfied
Waking the dead, waking the dead, waking the dead
All rise!
Hell's gates open the earth trembles and shakes
Now their pardons are over they pray for their mistakes
Mausoleums firebombed now rage in flames
When the dead come out their bodies we'll maim
Suicidal Tendencies
Rob-Robbing their graves stealing their bones
Bang-Banging our heads to their screams and their moans
Fix-Fixing the wounds that even time cannot heal
Soon-Soon we will know how good it feels
This is not damnation or an act of God
Now the dead they rise ripping through the sod
Purgatory has to wait, but how can this be
The dead are free-the dead are free!
Waking the dead-you said that it wouldn't be
Waking the dead-You said that we wouldn't see
Waking the dead-Now the dead stand before our own eyes
Silence is blaring the earth opens wide
History repeats, reburied they die
Darkness descends through nature's pores
They return to their sleep on earth's basement floor
Now they rest not so peacefully
As they've had a taste of our misery
I didn't care that they'd already died
That wasn't enough to make me satisfied
Return back to their tombs now they lay
This is no game for the novice to play
The punishment of Hell's darkness and scorn
Repeat not a word of the sermon said
A prayer for the dead, don't play with the dead
Don't try to comprehend what's going on
You can't understand, please don't understand
Waking the dead-And we'll be
Waking the dead-All rise now
Waking the dead-We're gonna wake the dead
Waking the dead
I said the words what have I done
I thought it cool, I thought it fun
The words I say they start to change
The syllables now rearranged
A language I can't comprehend
I shut my mouth it doesn't end
The bowels of nature open wide
I cannot move I cannot hide
I can't believe the things I see
The dead are free, the dead are free
I close my eyes and pray it's not real
Their presence close coldness I feel
What have I done Lord please forgive
Once they died, but now they live
I wake the dead, I ake the dead, I wake the dead, I wake the dead!
Cleanse the lepers
Cast out the demons
Wake the dead!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 13:55


!!! GET Nocturnal Rites - Wake Up Dead ringtones !!!
Ride, hell's in fury, an evil in believe
Wrath upon the dead and dreaming
Lie, sins subliminal, I twist in harmony
Blood upon my darkest day

Slit my wrist and watch me bleed
Tighten the noose around my neck
Fear the evil, turn the lights

Wake up dead
I'm falling
I can hear it whisper as I desecrate myself
Wake up dead
It's calling
Wake up dead - alive

Die, life's expendable, taking my last breath
Waiting for my death I'm grieving
Why, in the darkest hours, I can hear my call
Hell for now and evermore

The sins will not justify, the blood on my hands
I'm twisting the knife
Reality is no more, I'm waking up dead and alive

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 13:55

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