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英语情景口语:personal appearance相貌

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-16 22:21



热心网友 时间:2024-05-27 00:48

3 personal appearance
A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she?
B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her.
A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered.
B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that.
A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones?
B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair.
A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself.
B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you?
A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently?
B: Yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend.
A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you.,Intermediate
A: let’s play a little game. I’ll describe someone and you try and guess who it is.
B: ok. I’m really bored at the moment.
A: ok. This man is tall and slim. He’s got blue eyes and curly brown hair.
B: does he have a moustache or a beard?
A: good question. Yes, he has a moustache, but no beard.
B: sounds like mike, is it?
A: yes, it is. You describe someone we both know.
B: right. She’s not very tall and she’s quite plump. She’s got blonder hair, but I don’t know what color her eyes are.
A: is she attractive? I don’t think I know anyone like that.
B: I like slim girls, so I doubt I would find a plump girl attractive. You’ll have to give me some more information.
A: she’s got tiny feet and wears really unfashionable shoes. In fact, she wears unfashionable clothes too.
B: this doesn’t sound like anyone I know. I give up. Teel me who she is.
A; she’s your mother!
B: how embarrassing! I don’t even recognize a description of my own mother! How important do you think appearance is ?
A: I think that unfortunately it’s more important than a person’s character. Advertising and stuff tells us that we have to be attractive. I think it’s wrong, but that’s the way the world is now.
A: I’m afraid you’re right. I chose my girlfriend because she has a wonderful personality.
B: well, you certainly didn’t choose her because of her looks! Hey, I was joking! Don’t hit me!
Figure shot stocky tall overweight slim plump well-built stature hunky average height height weight bit *** all broad-shouldered beard neat and tidy moustache medium build curly hair straight hair bald attractive ugly handsome well-dressed scruffy
Change hairstyle have a lovely figure be well-built be 180-cm-tall weight 60 kilos have brown hair be brown-eyed gain/lose weight
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