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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-14 21:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 04:38

This paper introced from various angles and aspects of gardens building sketch in landscape design classification method and the USES of garden architecture, according to the purposes skit problems, and put forward some Suggestions and ideas.

WangShuDong, MaXiaoYan compiled the landscape architecture "of landscape architecture sketch was defined as" garden architectural sketch refers to the volume small, function gardens with chic modelling, simple, very interesting, location appropriate exquisite structures." The book think: "garden architectural sketch generally has a simple and practical function, and ornamental modelling artistic characteristics. In gardens namely as a practical facilities, and as the ornament scenery artistic adornment sketch." I think the definition of sketch book compare apt, but in its characteristics of some biased discussed. Actually there are many sketch only ornamental value, such as with murals, sculptures, some just both simple and practical function, also has the certain artistic quality, such as guideposts, sit chair, stbin, etc.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 04:38

This article from many angles, many pieces introced the classification of landscape architecture and its use in garden design, landscape architecture sketches for the use of the problem, made some suggestions and ideas.
Wang Shudong, Ma Xiaoyan compiled the "landscape architecture" Pieces of landscape architecture is defined as: "landscape architecture, garden pieces is the small volume, function is simple, chic style, full of fun, fine structures appropriate location." The book that : "Landscape architectural pieces generally have a simple and practical function, but also has decorative features of Visual Arts. In the garden that is as practical facilities, but also as a landscape dotted with Art Deco pieces." I think the book is more appropriate definition of the sketch However, the discussion of its features are some biased. In fact, many pieces have only ornamental value, such as murals, sculptures, and some did both simple and practical function, but also a certain art, such as the signpost, chairs, trash and so on.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 04:39

This article from many angles, many pieces introced the classification of landscape architecture and its use in garden design, landscape architecture sketches for the use of the problem, made some suggestions and ideas.
Wang Shudong, Ma Xiaoyan compiled the "landscape architecture" Pieces of landscape architecture is defined as: "landscape architecture, garden pieces is the small volume, function is simple, chic style, full of fun, fine structures appropriate location." The book that : "Landscape architectural pieces generally have a simple and practical function, but also has decorative features of Visual Arts. In the garden that is as practical facilities, but also as a landscape dotted with Art Deco pieces." I think the book is more appropriate definition of the sketch However, the discussion of its features are some biased. In fact, many pieces have only ornamental value, such as murals, sculptures, and some did both simple and practical function, but also a certain art, such as the signpost, chairs, trash and so on.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 04:39

This article from the multiple perspectives, the author introces landscape architecture opuscule classification method and its application in landscape design, landscape architecture opuscule use problems, and put forward some suggestions and opinions.
Wang Shudong, Ma Xiaoyan," landscape architecture" for landscape architecture opuscule is defined as:" landscape architecture opuscule is the garden in a small body mass, a simple function, modeling chic, rich taste, the beautiful location of appropriate structures." The book argues:" landscape architecture Opuscule in general have a simple practical function, but also has decorative art characteristic. In the garden as a utility facility, and as a scenery art decorative pieces." I think the book of essays definition is more appropriate, but in its characteristic's elaboration on some biased. In fact, there are many pieces only has the ornamental value, such as paintings, sculptures, some not only have simple utility function, and has certain artistic quality, such as guideposts, chairs, garbage box.
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