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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-14 23:14



热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 11:40

Unperfect Love - Israel,Slim
Baby you know I'm feeling you

And you say you feel me too
But I don't know what we should do
'Cuz I'm so crazy over you

We try to find ourselves through all
The drama in our lives
We ain't worth it but
It's okay because
We'll work it out

From the moment that I saw you babe
Thought that we could be so good

The situations got my time of day
Find it hard to make it through
I know we have our moments
'Cus when things go wrong
But no matter what we go
Though we seem to carry on
Sometimes I wanna let go
But then I keep holding on
So what we gonna do baby

With this unperfect love
Baby you know I'm feeling you
And you say you feel me too
But I don't know what we should do
'Cus I'm so crazy over you

We try to find ourselves through all
The drama in our lives
We ain't worth it but
It's okay because
We'll work it out
I'm so addicted to this
Unperfect love
To this
Unperfect love
To this
Unperfect love
And girl
It's all because
Your so perfect love
Your so perfect love
And we'll be ones to make it
Through this unperfect love
This unperfect love
This unperfect love
Yeah we ain't perfect but
Its okay because we'll work it out
Baby we'll work it out

No matter all the things we go through
Go through
Starry days and nights we go through
Go through
What we have is inseparable
We can't take that for granted baby

Sometimes we may say and do
Things we don't really mean
But that's okay

Because if this love is real
We'll work it out
Baby you know
Baby you know I'm feeling you

And you say you feel me too
But I don't know what we should do

'Cus I'm so crazy over you

We try to find ourselves through all
The drama in our lives
We ain't worth it but
It's okay because

We'll work it out

So addicted to your love
Unperfect love
I'm so unperfect love
I'm so unperfect love
I'm never gonna let you go
Unperfect love
Through the sun
Unperfect love
Either rain
I'll be the one
I'll be the one that'd be right there
Unperfect love
Oh baby
Unperfect love
Through the pleasure or the pain woot
We ain't perfect but
It's okay because

We'll work it out
We'll work it out

Oh baby baby
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