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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-15 09:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:17

Title: Bank ATM Design and Implementation Based On VHDL Language
As a tool of daily use, ATM is an important part of banking system. The purpose of this design is to achieve some of the major functions through the use of VHDL language, including drawing cash, modifying password, balance inquiries, etc. and achieve all simulation and realization of the functions by using MAX+PLUS II software. Through this designing process, the designer could deepen their understanding of VHDL language and EDA-related knowledge, understand the basic working principle and process of ATM.
The advantages of this design are: we have successfully achieved some additional features in practice, such as alarm, reminder display and so on; we considered some rules of the banking system, such as requirement of the drawing sum and the security of modifying passwords, they have been put into practice through this design.
This article will firstly, briefly introce the basic knowledge of VHDL language and MAX+PLUS II software, and secondly, make further clarification and interpretation about the specific content of this design on a higher level.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:18

ATM自动取款机作为一种日常工具,是银行系统的重要组成部分。本此设计的目的,是通过使用VHDL硬件语言,设计者进行编程来实现一些ATM机主要的功能,包括取款、修改密码、查询余额等,并且运用MAX+PLUS II软件,可以成功地对各个功能进行仿真和实现。通过本次设计,设计者可以加深对VHDL语言和EDA相关知识的理解和掌握,了解ATM机的基本工作原理和工作过程。
本文将首先对于VHDL语言和MAX+PLUS II软件的基础知识作简要的介绍,在此基础上再对涉及到本次设计的具体内容进行充分说明和解释。

关键词:VHDL 自动取款机 电子设计

Title: VHDL language of the bank ATM Design and Implementation
ATM ATM as a tool for day-to-day, the banking system is an important part. The purpose of this design is through the use of language VHDL hardware designers to program to achieve some of the major functions of the ATM machine, including money, modify passwords, such as balance inquiries, and the use of MAX + PLUS II software can be successful in all Simulation and realization of the functions. Through the design, designers can deepen their understanding of the VHDL language and EDA-related knowledge and understanding to grasp the basic understanding of the ATM machine working principle and working process.
The design of the advantages is that the success achieved in the actual number of additional features, such as the police and so on to remind the show. And taking into account certain provisions of the banking system, such as the amount of money requested, as well as amendments to the security of your password, and so on, the design also carried out one by one realized.
This article first for the VHDL language and MAX + PLUS II software on the basis of knowledge for a brief introction on this basis for further relates to the design of the specific details of the full description and explanation.
Title: VHDL language of the bank ATM Design and Implementation
ATM ATM as a tool for day-to-day, the banking system is an important part. The purpose of this design is through the use of language VHDL hardware designers to program to achieve some of the major functions of the ATM machine, including money, modify passwords, such as balance inquiries, and the use of MAX + PLUS II software can be successful in all Simulation and realization of the functions. Through the design, designers can deepen their understanding of the VHDL language and EDA-related knowledge and understanding to grasp the basic understanding of the ATM machine working principle and working process.
The design of the advantages is that the success achieved in the actual number of additional features, such as the police and so on to remind the show. And taking into account certain provisions of the banking system, such as the amount of money requested, as well as amendments to the security of your password, and so on, the design also carried out one by one realized.
This article first for the VHDL language and MAX + PLUS II software on the basis of knowledge for a brief introction on this basis for further relates to the design of the specific details of the full description and explanation.

Key words: VHDL ATM electronic design

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:18

Title: VHDL language of the bank ATM Design and Implementation
ATM ATM as a tool for day-to-day, the banking system is an important part. The purpose of this design is through the use of language VHDL hardware designers to program to achieve some of the major functions of the ATM machine, including money, modify passwords, such as balance inquiries, and the use of MAX + PLUS II software can be successful in all Simulation and realization of the functions. Through the design, designers can deepen their understanding of the VHDL language and EDA-related knowledge and understanding to grasp the basic understanding of the ATM machine working principle and working process.
The design of the advantages is that the success achieved in the actual number of additional features, such as the police and so on to remind the show. And taking into account certain provisions of the banking system, such as the amount of money requested, as well as amendments to the security of your password, and so on, the design also carried out one by one realized.
This article first for the VHDL language and MAX + PLUS II software on the basis of knowledge for a brief introction on this basis for further relates to the design of the specific details of the full description and explanation.

Key words: VHDL ATM electronic design

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:19

呵呵 哥门他门几个说的都不对。

ATM自动取款机作为一种日常工具,是银行系统的重要组成部分。本此设计的目的,是通过使用VHDL硬件语言,设计者进行编程来实现一些ATM机主要的功能,包括取款、修改密码、查询余额等,并且运用MAX+PLUS II软件,可以成功地对各个功能进行仿真和实现。通过本次设计,设计者可以加深对VHDL语言和EDA相关知识的理解和掌握,了解ATM机的基本工作原理和工作过程。
本文将首先对于VHDL语言和MAX+PLUS II软件的基础知识作简要的介绍,在此基础上再对涉及到本次设计的具体内容进行充分说明和解释。

关键词:VHDL 自动取款机 电子设计

Title: VHDL language of the bank ATM Design and Implementation of Abstract: ATM ATM as a tool for day-to-day, the banking system is an important part. The purpose of this design is through the use of language VHDL hardware designers to program to achieve some of the major functions of the ATM machine, including money, modify passwords, such as balance inquiries, and the use of MAX + PLUS II software can be successful in all Simulation and realization of the functions. Through the design, designers can deepen their understanding of the VHDL language and knowledge of the EDA to understand and grasp and understand AT

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:19

Title: VHDL language of the bank ATM Design and Implementation
ATM ATM as a tool for day-to-day, the banking system is an important part. The purpose of this design is through the use of language VHDL hardware designers to program to achieve some of the major functions of the ATM machine, including money, modify passwords, such as balance inquiries, and the use of MAX + PLUS II software can be successful in all Simulation and realization of the functions. Through the design, designers can deepen their understanding of the VHDL language and EDA-related knowledge and understanding to grasp the basic understanding of the ATM machine working principle and working process.
The design of the advantages is that the success achieved in the actual number of additional features, such as the police and so on to remind the show. And taking into account certain provisions of the banking system, such as the amount of money requested, as well as amendments to the security of your password, and so on, the design also carried out one by one realized.
This article first for the VHDL language and MAX + PLUS II software on the basis of knowledge for a brief introction on this basis for further relates to the design of the specific details of the full description and explanation.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:20

Title: VHDL language of the bank ATM Design and Implementation
ATM ATM as a tool for day-to-day, the banking system is an important part. The purpose of this design is through the use of language VHDL hardware designers to program to achieve some of the major functions of the ATM machine, including money, modify passwords, such as balance inquiries, and the use of MAX + PLUS II software can be successful in all Simulation and realization of the functions. Through the design, designers can deepen their understanding of the VHDL language and EDA-related knowledge and understanding to grasp the basic understanding of the ATM machine working principle and working process.
The design of the advantages is that the success achieved in the actual number of additional features, such as the police and so on to remind the show. And taking into account certain provisions of the banking system, such as the amount of money requested, as well as amendments to the security of your password, and so on, the design also carried out one by one realized.
This article first for the VHDL language and MAX + PLUS II software on the basis of knowledge for a brief introction on this basis for further relates to the design of the specific details of the full description and explanation.

Key words: VHDL, automated teller machines, electronic design
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