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急《财务管理学》补考作业1 请帮帮我啊

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 13:17



热心网友 时间:2023-07-13 16:23

、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1. 我国财务管理的最优目标是__D_
A. 总产值最大化
B. 利润最大化
C. 股东财富最大化
D. 企业价值最大化
满分:5 分
2. 企业同其所有者之间的财务关系反映的是___A
A. 经营权和所有权关系
B. 债权债务关系
C. 投资与受资关系
D. 债务债券关系
满分:5 分
3. 利息率依存于利润率,并受平均利润率的制约,利息率的最高限不能超过平均利润率,最低限___A
A. 等于零
B. 小于零
C. 大于零
D. 无规定
满分:5 分
4. 影响财务管理目标实现的两个最基本因素是___B
A. 时间价值和投资风险
B. 投资报酬率和风险
C. 投资项目和资本结构
D. 资金成本和贴现率
满分:5 分
5. 下列项目中,__A_称为普通年金
A. 先付年金
B. 后付年金
C. 延期年金
D. 永续年金
满分:5 分
6. 如果企业速动比率很小,下列结论成立的是___C
A. 企业流动资产占用过多
B. 企业短期偿债能力很强
C. 企业短期偿债风险很大
D. 企业资产流动性很强
满分:5 分
7. 企业的财务报告不包括___D
A. 现金流量表
B. 财务状况说明书
C. 利润分配表
D. 比较百分比会计报表
满分:5 分
8. 在下列各项财务指标中,最能够反映上市公司财务管理目标实现程度的是__C_
A. 扣除非经常性损益后的每股收益
B. 每股净资产
C. 每股市价
D. 每股股利
满分:5 分
9. 两种股票完全负相关时,则把这两种股票合理地组合在一起时D
A. 能适当分散风险
B. 不能分散风险
C. 能分散掉一部分风险
D. 能分散掉全部非系统性风险
满分:5 分
10. 下列财务比率反映企业短期偿债能力的有___A
A. 现金流量比率
B. 资产负债率
C. 偿债保障比率
D. 利息保障倍数

热心网友 时间:2023-07-13 16:24

Small forwards are:

The celtics: Paul Pierce, Tony Allen

Advantage: Pierce very comprehensive, averaging 18.3 points, provides the main point is the celtics. Stuart pearce is underestimated defense experts, need, he is likely to freeze the magic of the third striker. Tony Allen is a role player, but he had good against the magic of Christmas wars, when one has scored 16 points.

Disadvantages: this postseason, Pierce shot feel bad, and he shot only, only for 35.8 percent shooting 3-pointers.

Orlando: matt - Barnes, Michael Pete's

Advantage: Barnes and Peter's is the strongest two flanks magic defense experts. Barnes perseverance and rebounding ability, Pete's 3-point shooting, once the league 51.2%and SanFenWang playoffs.

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Disadvantages: Barnes was not a scorer, Pete's poor shooting in easy feeling depressed.

Judge: Boston slightly. What is good, and Pierce is under Kevin garnett, he will really become green core and soul unlined upper garment of army.

Big striker:

The celtics: Kevin garnett, Glenn Davis

Advantage: the playoffs garnett injury, but now it seems that he has made a full recovery. Health is low, garnett and his defensive perimeter jumpers almost no solution. Davis, and very tenacious vitality.

Disadvantages: Kevin garnett's knee was not 100%, Davis shooting is not good.

Rashard lewis: magic, Ryan - Anderson, brandon - buss

Advantage: lewis can always pull defenders space, he created for others, and Howard Spaces. In addition, lewis is a very good team defender. This postseason, his lifetime (46.2% 3-point percentage up. In addition, Anderson is a similar style outside line power forward.

Disadvantages: lewis was not good rebounding, but this is not his work was done. Anderson and buss is not good enough, if the team defense, the magic of rotary lewis defensive quality will decline.

Judge: Boston, slightly, Kevin garnett is too hot this postseason, his shot 53.9.


The celtics: kendrick perkins, rasheed Wallace, XieErDu Williams

Advantage: the celtics can spread CheLunZhan against magic. Perkins shooting range, but his shot, the league 60.2 high - the second highest, He is still a very stubborn defensive. Wallace, although state, but have finals with experience and excellent defensive range.

Disadvantages: perkins easily be foul trouble,NBA Jersey, and Wallace underperforming and seems too inlged in threes.

Orlando: Dwight Howard, MaErXin - pargo astartes

Advantage: Howard is undoubtedly the best center,Authentic NFL jerseys, he is the best shot-blocker rebounder, alliance, defensive player of the year. His offensive also graally. Gregory tut is best backup center in the league.

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Disadvantages: Howard in the first round in foul trouble, and this is a potential threat, In addition, Howard, the heart is still free throws, his free-throw 49.4% only.

Judge: no doubt, overwhelmingly magic.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-13 16:24

1-5 D,A,A,B,B 6-10答案 B,D,A,D,B

热心网友 时间:2023-07-13 16:25

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