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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-08 04:38



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 11:52

I'm sorry that I reply your letter so late. The weather is getting colder here because of the typhon.I wonder the situation in your country is the same,isn't it?^^
The business of water purifier in our company is developing steadily and constantly.And we believe that it will be more prosperous e to the potential market capacity in China.Still we have the full awareness of the fiercer competition.
In three yeras, we will still depend on our main business,the kitchen ventilators(你说的油烟机是指抽油烟机吗?),to promote the developement of the water purifiers. And it is a certain that we will pay our effort in studying the technology of core procts by either cooperating with other competitive companies or our own investment in research.
Hope I can go visiting Korea One Day!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 11:52

Sorry to give you reply so long, our weather recently because the reason became cool typhoon, so that your country?
Our company's business is stable development, the water that e to China's potential market capacity of the relationship will become more energetic, of course, we can also find the market competition will be more intense than ever!
In the future, we mainly three years will still rely on our main business, also is the channels to promote lampblack machine proct in our company in the future development, of course, we will surely do proct core technology efforts.
Whether through and technical strength strong cooperation, or through our own r&d input.
Hope in the future time to visit Korea, if there is a chance!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 11:52

Sorry to give you reply so long, our weather recently because the reason became cool typhoon, so that your country?
Our company's business is stable development, the water that e to China's potential market capacity of the relationship will become more energetic, of course, we can also find the market competition will be more intense than ever!
In the future, we mainly three years will still rely on our main business, also is the channels to promote lampblack machine proct in our company in the future development, of course, we will surely do proct core technology efforts.
Whether through and technical strength strong cooperation, or through our own r&d input.
Hope in the future time to visit Korea, if there is a chance 我的可不可以

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 11:53

Sorry so long to reply to you, our weather here, the reasons for the recent typhoon has become cool, and I believe it is true in your country?
Our business is the company's water purification and stable development, I believe the potential market capacity as China relations will become more dynamic, of course, we will find that market competition will be more intense than ever before!
In the next three years, we mainly will rely on our main business, that is, hoods channels to promote this proct in our company's development, of course, our future procts will do the efforts of the core technology.
Whether by stronger companies and technical cooperation, or through our own R & D investment.
Also hope that in future, be able to visit South Korea, if an opportunity arises!
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