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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-08 04:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 12:49

October 2008, passed the CPC of l2 on promoting the development of central rural reform some major issue decision points out: the land system is the basic system of rural. December 31, 2008 the CCPC and the state council issued about 2009 promoting agricultural and stable development of the continuously increasing peasants' income opinions on again pointed out: to establish a contracted land circulation market, contracted land circulation. Visible regulating rural land circulation becomes current rural priority. This paper discusses and analyses.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 12:50

October 2008 l2, passed the CPC central committee on promoting the rural reform, development and certain major issue decision points out: the land system is the basic system of rural. December 31st, 2008 issued the CCPC and the state council about 2009 promoting agricultural and stable development of the continuously increasing peasants' income opinions on again said: "we should establish and perfect the contracted land circulation market, contracted land circulation. Visible regulating rural land circulation becomes the current rural top priority of our work. This paper discusses and analyses.
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