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短文改错讲解。急求啊!! I went shopping with my wife.We have

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-09 09:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:00

I went shopping with my wife.We have a lot of things to (have改成had ) 时态前后统一,过去时
buy them.we drove to the center of the city and stopped( 去掉them)多余的词,和前面a lot of things重复了
our car in front of the shop. An hour late, we came back(late改为later )
to the car. And it was stramge that we couldnot open(去掉and或者改为But,stramge应该是strange )
the door. So we asked policeman for help(这里应该是个断句吧,少了个句点“.”我默认你是打错了) He was glad to help him. After a few minutes,he got the door open.(him改为us )帮助“我们”
Just then a man came up and shouted angry."what are ( angry改为angrily)用副词修饰动词
you doing with my car?" we were surpising and went to (suprising改为suprised )受到惊吓,被动
see the number of the car.what you think we did then (what 和you中间加上do)?没有助动词的问句


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:00

第二句:We had a lot of things to buy.
第四句:An hour later,we came to the car。
第六句:So we asked the policeman for help and he was gold to help us。
第七句:he opened the door。


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:01

went shopping with my wife.We have a lot of things to( had)buy them.we drove to the center of the city and stopped( parked)our car in front of the s hop. an hour late, we came back( later)to the car. a nd it was stramge that we couldnot open(But )the (door. so we asked policeman for help he was glad to help him. after a few minutes,he got t ) he door open.(us )just then a man came up and shouted angry."what are ( angrily)you doing with m6y car?" we were surpising and went to( surpised)see the number of the car.what you think we did then ) (?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:01

I went shopping with my wife.We have a lot of things to()by them.We drove to the center of the city and stopped()our car in front of the S hop. An hour late, we came back()to the car. an and it was strange that we could not open()the (door. So we asked police for help he was glad to help him. After a few minutes, he got ) his door opens.()just then a man came up and shouted angry."What are ()you doing with m6y car?" We were surprised and went to()see the number of the car.What you think we did then) (?
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