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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-22 09:13



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:25

My mother is 36 years old.

She is a worker.

she works hard every day (注意,every day 要分开写,二楼的是错误的,写在一起译为“日常的)

and never has day off(注意人称,至于day off是不是可数的我不太确定)

But she loves this job,

beacuse she has already worked on the job for many years

and she has emotion to the work.

My Mum is medium height.And she has short curly hair.

I love my mother.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:25

My mother, 36 years old, is a worker. Her job is tough with no weekends. But she likes the job, cause she has been on it for years and sort of rely on it. She is neither tall nor short with short frizzles. I love my mother.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:26

My mother is 36 years old, it is a worker. 我妈妈36岁,是一个工人.
Work very hard every day, does not have a rest on weekend. But my mother likes this job, because has already worked for a lot of years, it is passionate to work more. 每天工作很辛苦,周末不休息.但是我妈妈喜欢这个工作,因为已经工作了很多年,多工作有感情.
My mother is the medium-sized height, short curly hair. I love my mother 我妈妈是中等身高,短卷发.我爱我妈妈


热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:26

My mother, a 36-year-old worker, has a medium-sized height and short curly hair. She works 7 days a week and her everyday work is very hard. But she loves her work because she has taken this job for many years and it is her passion to make her work more. I love my mother!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:27

My mother, a 36-year-old worker, has a medium-sized height and short curly hair. She works 7 days a week and her everyday work is very hard. But she loves her work because she has taken this job for many years and it is her passion to make her work more. I love my mother!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:28

My mpther,a 36-year-old worker,has a medium-sized height and short curly hair.She works hard not only on weekdays but also on weekends,and she never has a day off.But she says she likes the job,because she has worked on it for many years.And it is her passion to make her work more.This is my mother.
So i love her!
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