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《幽梦影》—— 林语堂译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-20 13:52



热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 00:59






Passion holds up the bottom of the universe,and the poet gives it a new dress.

Yujo:All human life begins with love between man and woman,from which the

other human relationships such as between father and son and between brothers







Love is not true love without a form of madness.A literary artist must have

zest in life to enter into nature's spirit.

Yunshih:Here speaks a born lover and artist.

Tienshih:Shintsai really understands the zest of life besides being a

literary artist.

[Miss]Hueichu:I think I know the passion of love,but I have not the zest

combined with talent.



One should discipline oneself in the spirit of autumn and live with others in

the spirit of spring.



Only those who take leisurely what the people of the world are busy about can

be busy about what the people of the world take leisurely.







Of all things one enjoys leisure most,but because one does nothing.Leisure

confers upon one the freedom to read,to travel,to make friends ,to drink,and

to wirte.Where is there a greater pleasure than this?

Hoshan:Then you are really busy.

Huei-an:The proverb says,"Steal leisure from business."It can be stolen


Jochin:Those five things make leisure really worthwhile.





I think it is better to have an understanding wife than a pretty concubine,and

better to have peace of mind than wealth.

[Nephew]Chupo:There is no limit to desires.How can one expect to have a

pretty concubine without first having an understanding wife? And how can one

have peace of mind without plenty of money?

Yu-an:He means a choice of alternatives.And there are indeed people with

plenty of money but no peace of mind.







The perfect life:to live in a world of peace in a lake district where the

magistrate is good and honest,and to have an understanding wife and bright


Shiaolin:It would be a pity to have a vulgarian enjoy all this.

Hanchen:Here is a black-faced Laotse thinking of becoming a devil.

Taikuan:Yes,and rather like imagining eating a juicy steak before a butcher's

shop window!

Liyuan:An understanding wife,yes,but also a long life.Otherwise the blessing

is not complete.








Blessed are those who have time for reading,money to help others,the learning

and ability to write,who are not bothered with gossip and disputes,and who

have learned friends frank with advice.

Shengtsao:We can take care of those things which depend on ourselves,but not

those which depend on others.

Tanlu:Shintsai has them all.

Shuichiao:I would be satisfied with half of these five.

Yungching:I thought successful men never wanted friends with frank

advice.Shintsai asks for them instead!







Those who despise money end up by sponging on their friends;those who mix

freely with all sorts of people will eventually hurt themselves.

Shengtsao:What a profound warning!

Tsaomin:For myself,I do not regret it one way or the other.

Tsefa:It does make a difference,though,whether you hurt others or only yourself.

Hanchen:Nowadays people do not welcome being sponged up on.So it is better to

be careful.






A small injustice can be drowned by a cup of wine;a great injustice can be vanquished only by the sword.

Shingyuan:So you drown all sorrows by holding a cup of wine with a sword in sight.

Yu-an:I do not think the Blessed Lord would easily give such a sword to men.It might raise more trouble than it can settle.

Huei-an:O,Lungchuan[famous wine] and Tai-o [famous sword],trust me !I can handle both!
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