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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-22 03:53



热心网友 时间:2024-04-01 07:04


Hi J,
This is L, nice tohear from you

Yes, Japan has vocations, but not too many, Japaneseworks hard. I did not have any rest for the vacations before, I’ve been dealingwith my part-time job for my tuition fees and living expenses, from dawn till sundown,but I am happy that I can paddle my own canoe
I think your English is good, much more better than mine. I fet English sosoon after learning Japanese.

It’s very good that you’ve learned Japanese, yourJapanese will make a big progress while you e here. It’s very hard to learnChinese, I cannot agree more. I think munication is the point, aslong as you can speak and municate , it’sOk if you do not learn well the characters. My French do notmake any progress, I just know some basic sentence to say Hi to others, I amlooking forward to learning more form you.
I am a tutor to help you with your learning and living. Ofcourse it will be Japanese, like to municate with other students, to buythings in the supermarket, etc. I will also tell you the simple life process.

N city is a *** all city, the school is notlocated at the center of the city where we need to take a bus there. Although Ihave a car which can pick you up sometimes, but I am too busy, most of the timeyou need to handle things yourself. I will always be there for you if you needme. Be easy for ing here


DEAR ***
As the fit detail has been cheanged, I will send the HAWB and POUCH DOCMENT to you aording to the new schele list.


This is to certify that Mr XXX, born on XX, XX,XXXX, whose ID number is XXX, is a planter of our village mitee. He contracted with us for 10-acre farmland and o fishponds, with annual revenue 120,000 RMB. He is exempted from agricultural ine tax and not required to pay tax.


Dear XX:
I'm sorry to inform you that I hadn't received your replying email until last week e to our email-box setting system. However, the particular remittance certification we provided still missed the bank's expiration date, we are informed that this remittance was sent back to your pany again. Sorry to bother you for sending this remittance to our pany aount, we can guarantee a *** ooth transaction this time. We are deeply apologized for causing you these troubles. Also, we are grateful for your contantly positive cooperation.


Sales of free-style system of legal regulation
Sales-style free market economy rewards the development of a phenomenon of economic petitiveness. As a promotional tool, there is a positive role, while its negative effects can not be ignored. However, the rewards of our sales on the free-style legislation is not yet clear, free-style nature of a prize-winning sales, legal or not, and many other issues, in reality it is difficult to assess. This article es with a prize-winning sales-type basic issues and related theoretical *** ysis, focusing on the sales of China's free-style rewards the status quo, and against the existence of legislation related to the remendations put forward in order to be free as soon as possible to establish a sound Sales-style legal norms, in order to adapt to market the objective requirements of economic development.


A beautiful and prosperous


*** ,从哪里开始?
如果是去旅行......难道不是( )?.如果即使背叛我有了 *** ,我还是可以原谅的。




Thank you for your remainder.
After checking, we find that we have not received the countersigned contract yet which we had sent to you at the end of 2010, would you please sign it and deliver it to us, we will arrange the payment as soon as we get the signed contract.


It is confirmed that we sincerely hope to have the meeting in Beijing.Please tell us your opinion.

好听简单的店铺名字店铺好听的名字大全 ...还脱皮。一年四季都这样,夏天能好一点,冬天严重时怎么回事啊?应该怎 ... 手,脚一年四季脱皮怎么办 地铁跑酷 地铁跑酷鼠小意会回归吗? 印度国家安全卫队身经百战 飞机驾驶室的机舱门在飞行时关闭么?为什么会有劫机成功的案例,不... 为什么中国不会劫机 急求翻译几个句子! 急求!!翻译句子!在线等! 我们和公婆住一起,大姑子每周末都过来耍 请帮忙翻译一下英语邮件·!谢谢 最近查出得了阵发性室上性心动过速、也准备去做射频消融术、请问这个手... 麻烦大家帮我翻译一封中文信成英文,谢谢 961ub冠号是什么品种 961一共多少个冠号 一般人敲六页纸的字需要多长时间 昵称男人简短好听魅力男人网名 ...过电影院有些流程都不知道。如果某天想去电影院看之前上映得影片能看... 我没去过电影院,有哪些步骤 我没去电影院看过外国电影,所以想知道去影院看外国电影就只能看中文配... 紫叶矮樱黄叶的成因及处理方法 黄马路拍进京证吗 每个红绿灯都拍进京证吗 耐克空军一号小白鞋与阿迪达斯史密斯鞋哪个更适合男生?哪个更好看呢... 我想买双纯白色的板鞋,是阿迪三叶草的好看还是耐克空军一号漂亮啊? 腌黄瓜条步骤 炫舞挂病毒 缘分不易,且行且珍惜 启东公交云闪付可以付款吗 仁怀市公交车可以用云闪付吗 七大数学难题排行榜 被叫做最难的数学题是什么猜想来着? 吉利帝豪新款价格是多少? 吉利帝豪ec7价格多少钱? 宝宝打预防针妈妈能吃韭菜吗 如何使用水银体温计 足力健和哪些大学合作过? 足力健和西安电子科技大学合作了什么? 石墨变成金刚石的吉布斯大于还是小于零 韩红天亮了我是歌手哪一期 吉布斯自由能是什么,如何计算的? 韩红我是歌手一二季参加了吗 末路1997原来男主角是谁 上古卷轴ol高岛合集有什么用 上古卷轴ol扩充背包值得买吗 怎样取消qq附近人改过信息内容 刺马中李连杰演谁 西安全运会和成都大运会谁影响力更大 南川霍力军被抓了吗 中国人寿保险股份有限公司内勤人员做人事助理的为什么也要参加封闭...