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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 15:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:10

Mobile phone as a modern means of communication is very convenient, is the people's life rich, is the inevitable result of progress of society. Since the mobile phone popularity since the mobile phone revolution, to the new vision, people at the same time, with the development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, mobile phone has become a mass consumer goods the manpower necessary, has become a major bright spot people's pursuit of fashion.
The popularity of mobile phone in the students use, advantages, and disadvantages. The thing is, students use the mobile phone, is to facilitate thestudents and parents contact. Parents want to know child in the school's trend, at any time can contact master, at the same time, but also facilitate the children ask people whether they feel hot. Two is the advantage for students to communicate with teachers. Sometimes their learning problems, difficulties in life and someinconvenient and teachers face the communication problem, through the mobile phone communication from the shy and awkward. Three is concive tocommunication between classmates. There is something unpleasant or trouble with classmates, can send messages, chat confidences, can chat some middle school students in the growth process of the truth, but also can deepen the friendship between classmates. But the students use the mobile phone, the "harm" isobviously. First, students use the mobile phone, did not say first bad students,only class mobile phone rang suddenly, not only disrupt the classroom order,dispersed students energy, but also influence the teacher emotion. The use ofmobile phone in the bedroom, not only affects the students to rest, and delays intheir spare time activities, bell became disturbed sleep noise. Second, using amobile phone in a part of the students ring the test, impact test fairness andjustice. Thirdly, the mind is not mature students, to the mobile phone on the Yellowmessage, the network game, it is difficult to resist the temptation, once addictedeasily neglect their studies, with only his De. Fourth, mobile phone is a valuable item, for students, custody is wrong, no end of trouble for the future.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:10

why cell phones arebad

The consequences of cell phone use

Cell phones are a source of electromagnetic fields, radiation which createschange in anything it comes into contact with. EMFs emanate from mobile phonesand because of how phones are used, these EMFs come into direct contact withthe brain.

More than a dozen studies have linked using a cell phone for a long period oftime -- ten years or more -- with a higher incidence of brain tumors andacoustic neuromas. These critical diagnoses are even more common when phonesaren't switched from one side of the head to the other when engaged inconversation.

Other adverse health effects include:

• Evidence of leukemia, breast cancer and other cancers.

• Neurological concerns and changes in the nervous system.

• A much higher risk of salivary gland tumors.

Supporting studies

A study from the Medical University of Graz in Austria showed that cell phoneuse negatively affects sperm quality in men. A similar study from 2009 examinedmen in the height of their reproctive years and found infertility and theability to father a healthy baby were compromised by cell phone usage.

Cells phones are also a source of perfluorooctanoic acid, a harmful chemicalwhich has been linked to heart disease, cancer and femalereproctive/developmental damage.

Cell phones are not the only problem. Cell phone towers, as well as otherwireless devices, are responsible for contributing non-ionizing radiofrequencies into the environment. Both the World Health Organization and theInternational Association for Research on Cancer have classified theelectromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones as a 2B, possible carcinogen. Thetowers and the phones themselves are constantly emitting microwave radiation.Even when cell phones are not in use they are putting out EMFs.
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