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Jack Knight唱过《too late》的这个歌手的资料

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-23 15:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 21:04

从小在夏威夷长大,Jack Johnson会走路的时候也会冲浪,17岁的时候他已经是冲浪界的天才,以最年轻的年纪扬名于世界级冲浪大赛(Pipeline Masters),正当体坛将他锁定成海滩明日之星,比赛后一个月,Jack Johnson在冲浪时发生严重意外,脸上缝了150针,让他整整三个月无法出门,却也给了他三个月抱着吉他、创作音乐的时光;但是Jack Johnson并没有一鼓作气成为创作歌手,18岁的他选择到加州大学念电影,99年导演并且担任电影配乐完成了冲浪电影《Thicker Than Water》,初执导演筒的他,赢得各影展最佳导演等大奖,眼见着Jack Johnson就要加入电影界,新的一波浪潮却迎面来袭;杰克自弹自唱的歌曲,早期就被冲浪巨星们作成卡带复制流传,2005年的今天,Jack Johnson,这个海滩男孩,不只是冲浪天才、不只是得奖导演、他是全球销量300万张的创作才子。

“Jack Johnson擅长创作清新而自然的音乐,简单的空心吉他搭配他温煦柔和的嗓音,让人感觉轻松而舒适,感觉像他的家乡夏威夷的阳光和沙滩一样…”权威音乐网站AMG这样推崇他的音乐风格。往返夏威夷与洛杉矶两地,Jack Johnson于2005年录制完成最新专辑《In Between Dreams》,有着大海般的歌声加上纯熟的吉他弹奏,创作出一首接一首轻松惬意、混融民谣、蓝调、雷鬼和Bossa Nova的清新作品。简单却完美的专辑创作,在没有商业广告的加持下,《In Between Dreams》却在美国发行首周,以23万张的惊人销售空降全美告示牌专辑榜第2名,在乐评、乐迷、以及电台DJ的热情支持下,《In Between Dreams》在不到2个月的发行后在全球默默卖出200万张。Radiohead的主唱曾对Jack Johnson说:“你真是天生的人型节奏组(human drum set),嘴巴就像钹,打开了就有切分音”;美国权威杂志评论杰克的歌词创作:是“21世纪的Bob Dylan”。Jack Johnson特殊的魅力,让世界上任何浪高于4英尺的地方,就有冲浪客聚集着聆听他的专辑;他的音乐会出现在伦敦顶级的时尚bar里,也会出现在曼谷的盗版摊上。但对杰克来说,他只是个冲浪家、喜欢电影、跟会唱歌的人,他不叫魔术Johnson、他是Jack Johnson。

1.Cookie Jar 2.Mediocre Bad Guys 3.Symbol In My Driveway 4.Fall Line 5.Cocoon 6.Dreams Be Dreams 7.Holes To Heaven 8.Tomorrow Morning 9.Wasting Time 10.Gone 11.Cupid 12.The Horizon Has Been Defeated 13.Taylor 14.Traffic In The Sky 15.Rodeo Clowns 16.Times Like These 17.Constellations 18.Crying Shame 19.Staple It Together 20.If I Could 21.Situations 22.Breakdown 23.No Other Way 24.Banana Pancakes 25.Belle 26.Do You Remember 27.Good People 28.Sitting, Waiting, Wishing 29.Never Know 30.Better Together

----单曲《Sitting, Waiting, Wishing》获得2005年度第48届格莱美祯h桲妯2鸡


<<do you remember>>

Do you remember when we first met? I sure do
It was some time in early September
You were lazy about it, you made me wait around
I was so crazy about you, I didn't mind

So I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours
It wasn't hard to find, you painted flowers on
I guess that I was afraid that if you rolled away
You might not roll back my direction really soon

But I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all, over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's rewind

Do you remember when we first moved in together?
The piano took up the living room
You played me boogie-woogie I played you love songs
You'd say we're playing house now you still say we are

We built our getaway up in a tree we found
We felt so far away but we were still in town
Now I remember watching that old tree burn down
I took a picture that I don't like to look at

Well all these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can't rewind, we're locked in time
But you're still mine
Do you remember?"

《No Other Way》
When your mind is a mess
so is mine
I cant sleep
cause it hurts when I think
My thoughts aren't at peace
with the plans that we make
chances we take
they're, not yours and not mine
there's waves that can break
all the words that we said
and the words that we mean
words can fall short
can't see the unseen
cause the world is awake
for somebody's sake now, please close your eyes woman
please get some sleep

And know that if I knew
all of the answers I would
not hold them from you'd
know all the things that i'd know
we told each other, there is no other way

Well too much silence can be misleading
You're drifting I can hear it in the way that your breathing
We don't really need to find reason
Cause out the same door that it came well its leaving its leaving
Leaving like a day that’s done and part of a season
Resolve is just a concept that's as dead as the leaves
But at least we can sleep, its all that we need
When we wake we will find
Our minds will be free to go to sleep

And know that if I knew
all of the answers I would
not hold them from you'd
know all the things that i'd know
we told each other, there is no other way

《Better Together》
There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
like a, shoebox of photographs
with sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
at least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? and where do we go?
And how come we're so hard?
It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing its always better when we're together

MMM its always better when we're together
look at the stars when we're together
its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together

And all of these moments
just might find there way into my dreams tonight
But I know that theyll be gone
when the morning light sings
and brings new things
but tomorrow night you see
that theyll be gone too
too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find there way
into my day to day scene
Ill be under the impression
i was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree

its always better when we're together
Somewhere in between together
its always better when we're together
Yeah, its always better when we're together

MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
I believe in memories
they look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
you look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is no time,
and there is no song I could sing
and there is no, combination of words I could say
but I will still tell you one thing
We're Better together.追问有歌吗?放在下面让我下载= =

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