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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-19 23:36



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 12:36

《Whatever will Be, will Be》

When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother,

"What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

When I grew up and fell in love.
I asked my sweetheart,

"What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows
Day after day?"
Here's what my sweetheart said:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

Now I have Children of my own.
They ask their mother,

"What will I be?"
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?"
I tell them tenderly:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be.
Que Sera, Sera!"

















热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 12:36

"Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)" is a popular song written by the Jay Livingston (music) and Ray Evans (lyrics) songwriting team.

Published in 1956, it was featured in Alfred Hitchcock's 1956 remake of The Man Who Knew Too Much (which Hitchcock had previously made in 1934) with Doris Day and James Stewart in the lead roles. Day's recording of the song for Columbia Records with catalog number 40704 was a hit in both the United States and the United Kingdom and, from 1968 to 1973, the theme song for the sitcom The Doris Day Show.

The song reached the Billboard magazine charts in July, 1956. Listed with the alternate title, "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)," it received the 1956 Academy Award for Best Original Song. It was the third Oscar in this category for Livingston and Evans, who previously won in 1948 and 1950.

1950s/60s British entertainer Tommy Steele recorded this on his album "40 Family Favourites," in a medley with "Cruising Down The River/Wonderful Copenhagen/Tulips From Amsterdam and Delilah" [verification needed]

1963: The High Keys, with a calypso feel and sports whistle accents, influenced at least two subsequent versions from Earl Royce & the Olympics and Normie Rowe & the Playboys
1964: Earl Royce & the Olympics' version was recorded by the Beatles Record procer, George Martin
1965: It was a hit in Australia for Normie Rowe & The Playboys.
1966: Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band on their Hand Clappin' Foot Stompin' Funky-Butt...Live! album.
1969: Mary Hopkin recorded and released it as Apple Records single 1823 with "Fields Of St. Etienne" on the other side.
1973: The funk band Sly & the Family Stone, on their Fresh album .
1977: In Canada, a disco-pop style hit for husband-and-wife o The Raes.
1979: Swedish pop and country singer Kikki Danielsson, on her "Rock'n Yodel" album.
1985: Ex-New York Dolls guitarist Johnny Thunders recorded a version for his Que Sera, Sera album.
1994: K Cera Cera, a K Foundation (KLF) presentation of The Red Army Choir, was a limited edition single released in Israel and Palestine.
1997: Pink Martini rendered a noir version on their debut album, Sympatique.
1998: The song was covered by BZN, on the album A symphonic night, volume 2.
2001: Hermes House Band, on their cover album, The Album [4].
2005: The electronic artist Wax Tailor proced the song "Que Sera" on the Tales of the Forgotten Melodies album with cuts from an earlier version mixed in.


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