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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-19 05:35



热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 00:33

1.In the sky each a piece of cloud, regardless of beauty and ugliness, so a broad sky. The earth hug every inch of the land, regardless of the rich and the poor, so the vast boundless. Marine accept each river, regardless of its size, so the ocean touching.
2.When Jane said: "we are equal, I don't have the feelings of the machine", I learned that as a woman's self-esteem; When PeiDuoFei said: "if for free so, two all may throw", I understand the value as a person, When lu xun said: "be not in silently explosion, perish in silently," I know people should be against the spirit; When the marder iii said: "take away love, the world will become a tomb", I understand the love for others the important.
3.Building stand firm, because a strong pillar, ideal and belief is life building pillar; The ship line, because a directions of the compass, ideal and belief is life ship compass; Train a Benz, because a guide its tracks, ideal and belief is life on the train tracks.
4.What is happiness? Happiness is the orchard fruit grower looked at the pressure with the branch fruit with smiles, happiness is a large number of students in the classroom and looking forward to the future smiling face, happiness is a scientist in the laboratory and a new discovery of stretch eyebrows, happiness is the podium athletes look to the national flag rising YingYing tears. Happiness is the crystallization of the struggle, instrious monument.
5.Not experience bumpy muddy difficult, how can know the value of road, Not experienced severe storm night, which can realize the bright lovely; Not experience setbacks and tribulations test, how can realize victory and success. Setbacks, want to say hate you not easy...
6.Happiness, and every moment in your side around. If you from my mother received his job, be sweet, that is happiness; If you in the light read the letter from a friend, taste friendship, that is happiness; If you are sitting in a corner, quietly listening to music, intent and revery, that is happiness. Some say, happiness is star hotel between the fat of the land will; Some say, happiness is high-grade stage hall of moving melody dancing; Some say, happiness is end seat audi, BMW in people like tide street street; Also some people said, happiness is to stay in the room mileage into stack of hundred-dollar bills; But I say, have these, are not necessarily really have happiness!
7.Run the birds of the air, eternal care is the forest; The ship drifted, always thinking of is bay; The traveler, whether in a hurry back home the night is far away, in the heart countless ties, always miss place, or home.
8.Life is like a mountain, important is not its height, but in the clever; Life is like a rain, important is not its size, and in time.
9.Put into a new spring, you have to pour out the water; Chen has For a rose, you
have to give up your rose, To many a unique experience, you must a spiritual
10.The wind through the water, leaving clear corrugated; The sun from the clouds,
leaving the filar silk warmth; Through the years from the forest, leaving the
circle ring, friends, we from age stage through and left?

1.In the sky each a piece of cloud, regardless of beauty and ugliness, so a broad sky. The earth hug every inch of the land, regardless of the rich and the poor, so the vast boundless. Marine accept each river, regardless of its size, so the ocean touching.2.When Jane ...


1 hope the sea be in smooth water, often have strong winds and storms. Hope rivers flowing, but often a vortex and jet, hope and happiness in your life, but often there is sorrow and grief. The 2 angel wings broken, fall to the world, into our sorrow; the integrity of ...


Thank you very much for your trust and support!


had came along with some monsters to kill him; he was so frightened at heart that he could hardly sleep at night, so he asked two great generals: Qin Shubao and Yu Chigong to guard him at the door


1. "I'm glad to meet you." (or, "it's nice to meet you" )2. "Me too, I'm very grateful."3. "Really? You are grateful to see me?"4. "Yes, really, very grateful..."5. "I don't know if anyone told you this before, ...you actually look even more handsome...


美丽的 Shantou, 我的未来 藉由时间的发展,人的生活程度正在日复一日升起。 在海洋的附近居住的 Shantou 变成越来越美丽。 海洋是最杰出的视野。思考的过去, Shantou 只是一个毁坏的城市, 每件事物是如此的如此,但是现在,旅游的地方对我们的美丽视野是越来越多的, 广为人知的,多外国的访客来这里。


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Benevolence person say: the doctor's parents heart, although know you used people life and death, but, apathy is unequal to patient's death as the object of your ridicule, have no moral, a lot of people in the frequency near death, is how helpless and need heart, that you ...


您好!答案是:For thousands of years, Chinese people's birthday with the recording method is different from the West. Chinese people a new one-year-old Lunar New Year began in the New Year's Day, that is, after New Year's Eve, each person on the length of the one-year-...


the character similar to the friendship between two people more easily longer and make each other reach into your life, making friends. This is our life, whether physical or are of great help. As the saying goes, "at home by their parents, out by friends. " Although the cross...

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