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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-17 16:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 12:00


The merger between enterprises is becoming more and more common, this caused the society from all walks of life to m&a risk attention. Financial risk as merger risk holds the key to the success or failure of the m&a plays an important role. This paper attempts to merger of financial risks are studied, and expect to enterprise's m&a some guidance. Therefore, this article through three parts: first, to the financial risk of the enterprise merger was introced. Second, will be divided into financial risk value evaluation risks, financing risk, payment risk and integrated risk. Thirdly, aim to four kinds of financial risk puts forward some specific measures to prevent it.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 12:00

The merger between enterprises is becoming more and more common,which caused various circles of society pay attention to the risk of merger and acquisition . As a key piont in m&a ,financial risk plays an important role in whethere it will success or not in m&a. This paper attempts to study the financial risks in merger, expecting to give some guidances in enterprise's m&a . Therefore, this article mainly reseached in three parts: first, indroction to the risk of financial between the enterprise merger . Second, divide financial risk into evaluation risks, financing risk, payment risk and integrated risk. Thirdly, provide some specific measures to prevent the four kinds of financial risk happening.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 12:01

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