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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-18 17:32



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 04:23

Hi, nice to meet you. I found we've got a number of similarities. We both major in Computer Science and Math; we both wanna go to or are in USA right now; and we both intend to have PHD degree. Well, I'm in Stanford right now and I've benn in University of Pennsylvania. I hope my experience and what I saw in the US top colleges could give some insight into the application.

Firstly,I need to remind you that admission to top US universities is very competitive; you need to be the best all over the world to be considered. However, as to your high GPA right now, I can see that you are a talent student with a strong desire to pursue top degree and a giant advantage of preparing early. You do have a plenty of chances to be admitted. However, that must be based on a strictly obeying several highly significantly rules, which will be your main aim in your future years.

Here are several among them. Try to maitain a high GPA, which is crucial to every applicants. Also, begin preparing TOEFL and GRE right now. In addition, be confident and hone your application essay with your utmost prudence.At last, try to join some research programs and activities as many as possible.

However, the most important I wanna tell you goes beyond all of these above.You need to understand that the critical point of your application is the US professor you choose. Unlike undergraate admission, transfer and graate admission depends on the professor you choose ranther than on the admission officer. If the professor says you are in with full financial aid, you are admitted with that amount of money. So the one who decides you fate is your professor; he is the one to whom you need to show the best of yourself. In this case, I'll introce you several Stanford professors later. Remember, try to let them know you, pay attention to you and appreciate you. If you do what I told you well, I believe even Harvard's door is open for you.

By the way, if you are not sure about your English, come to find me. I'll help you revise your it.

Good Luck! Hope you have no problem to read this! For any additional information, feel free to contact me then.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 04:23


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 04:24


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 04:24

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