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中英对照作文 《An important event in my life》 自己的所感所想

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-18 12:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:48

An Important Event in My Life   I am a young girl,so there are only a few important events in my life.I'd like to tell you one of them.  It was last year,I fell into Class 2 from Class 1.You know,Class 1 was the best one but Class 2 was just ordinary.I was very sad and my heart was empty.I thought I was a failure.My father said nothing,and just moved the TV set away from our living room.I knew he was disappointed.  When I entered the new classroom,I found I was a stranger and I ran away to stay with my friends.At last,I had to join the new team unhappily.Everything was so hard for me.I felt lonely and bored all days.Luckily,I found the fellow students around me were very kind.And then,they became an important part in my life.  There were two boys and three girls who were friendly and often took care of me.It's interesting to talk with them and I had a lot of fun.When I was in trouble,they did their best to help me.Finally,I walk out of the shade and became a happy girl again.  So when I think back on these days now,I am glad because I was blessed to have them in my life.They are angels who pull me back to the sunshine and the precious gift for me.My heart is full of gratefulness.I was so lucky.在我生活中的重要事件
中英对照作文 《An important event in my life》 自己的所感所想

An Important Event in My Life I am a young girl,so there are only a few important events in my life.I'd like to tell you one of them.It was last year,I fell into Class 2 from Class 1.You know,Class 1 was the best one but Class 2 was just ordinary.I was very sa...

英语作文《an important event》,并有汉语翻译

The day I started school was one of the best days in my life.It was a unique experience that I really enjoyed,but it also meant much more for me and my future.On that day,I was very happy to meet all the people and see all the bright classrooms.Everything was new and ...

英语作文an important event in my life

The day I started school was one of the best days in my life. It was a unique experience that I really enjoyed, but it also meant much more for me and my future.On that day, I was very happy to meet all the people and see all the bright classrooms. Everything was new...

英语作文 An important event,怎么写

The day I started school was one of the best days in my life. It was a unique experience that I really enjoyed, but it also meant much more for me and my future.On that day, I was very happy to meet all the people and see all the bright classrooms. Everything was new...

an important event作文80字

that I am older,I know that knowledge is very useful.I can use it to help other people,and get a job when I grow older.My first day of school was a key that opened new doors for me and gave me a lot of freedom.It was one of the most important events in my life.

地球一小时英语作文"an. important event. that l remember.

The day I started school was one of the best days in my life.It was a unique experience that I really enjoyed,but it also meant much more for me and my future.On that day,I was very happy to meet all the people and see all the bright classrooms.Everything was new and ...

An Important Event in My Life英语作文。很着急,必采纳。

The most important in my life is reading.Reading gives me a lot of knowledge. An excellent book is just like a teacher who is as devoted as a mother. It provides me a peaceful and tranquil soul. I relax myself in every words. It is a truly good and happy experience.

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For him, this wallet can also let him for life. But he didn't. I moved. I'll never underestimate the poor. This matter will be deep in my heart forever burning cannot erase.A memorable event"In my adream place - the school, so many things, a treasure, unforgettable, happy, sad. ...

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