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prepare to die 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-19 15:30



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 15:48

歌曲名:prepare to die
专辑:sweet dreams

I've been wondering why
When I look to the sky, everything seems to be fading
And the feeling I get when I try to forget
All of those things will drive me mad
Close your eyes you will see
You've got no choice just let it be
And rise above the earth and sky
Fall into the abyss of the night. Prepare to die
Every day of my life is a long endless night
Fear of the dark will make me scream
This nightmare will end when my time is close at hand
Thy spirit of death will make me rise
Close your eyes you will see
You've got no choice just let it be
Fall into the abyss of the night. Prepare to die
There's a beast in my dream and it's pointing
Right at me, got an evil stare into its eyes
Makes me lose my mind, I hope that someday I will find
The perfect time for me to leave
Close your eyes you will see
You've got no choice just let it be
And rise above the earth and sky
Fall into the abyss of the night. Prepare to die

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