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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:08



热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 16:26

/ = importance factor. As discussed in SEc. 2.4, the concept behind the
importance factor is that certain structures should be diseigned for higher force
levels than ordinary structures. Except for the default value of 1.0, note that
the importance factors for snow, wind, and seismic forces are not equal.
the importance factorⅠfor wind load is provided in ASCE 7 Table 6-1, as a
function of the occupancy category(introced in Sec2.4). The occupancy cat-
egories are found in ASCE 7 Table 1-1 or IBC Table 1604.5. This book uses the
ASCE 7 tables; hoever, the reader is reminded that the IBC table must be
checked when conformance with the IBC is required.
standard occupancy structures will fall under Occupancy Category Ⅱand have
a wind importance factor Ⅰof 1.0. Structures with high numbers of occupants or
housing essential faclities or hazardous materils will fall into Occupancy
Categories Ⅲ or Ⅳ and have a wind importance factor Ⅰof 1.15. This value of Ⅰ
was selected because it represents an approximate conversion of the 50-year wind-
speed recurrence interval in ASCE 7 Fig. 6-1 to a 100-year recurrence interval.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 16:27

I = importance factor. As discussed in Sec. 2.4,the concept behind the inportance factor is that certain structures should be designed for higher force levels than ordinary structures.Except for the default value of 1.0,note that the importance factors for snow,wind ,and seismic forces are noe equal.
The importance factor I for wind load is provided in ASCE 7 TABLE 6-1,as a function of the occupancy category(introuce in Sex.2.4).The occupancy cat-egories are found in ASCE 7 TABLE 1-1 or IBC Table 1604.5This book uses the ASCE 7 tables; however,the reader is reminded that the IBC table must be check when conformance with the IBC is required.
Standard occupancy structures will fall under Occupancy Category II and have a wind importance factor I of 1.0.Structures with high numbers of occupants or HOUSING essential facilities or hazardous materials will fall into Occupancy Category III or IV and have a wind importance factor I of 1.15.This value of I was selected because it represents an approximate conversion of the 50-year wind-speedrecurrence interval in ASCE 7 Fig.6-1 to a 100year recurrence interval.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 16:27

You are so lazy. I am sorry i can't help you with this. You please do it yourself.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 16:28

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