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汤姆叔叔的小屋 人物分析 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-30 23:27



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 23:59

  I was deeply touched. This story moved me because it truly described the sad situation of American slaves in old society. In the story, no matter where he was and no matter how bad his situation was, Uncle Tom was very helpful, kind-hearted, loyal and capable. He chose to stay to pay the debt. He knew but still supported Elisa to run away. He helped other slaves as his best. He labored for Shelby to manage the manor. Even finally, he would rather choose to die but do not speak out where the women slaves run away. But at last, he was strapped to die. How poor! And Elisa, for saving his own son Harry, started walking on a both distant and hard road. Everyday she worried about being caught back, and escaped along the slave owners’ crazy chase. Elisa’s nature is kind and timid. her maternal love deeply touched me. What’s more, Eva, the kind- hearted and purity girl, is Uncle Tom's good friend. Eva has a beautiful face, clean and pure mind. She can treat every one equally. Whether the white, the black, the good, the bad, or others. If they have difficulty or need help, she would try her best to help them.
  I have sympathy for all of the slaves. I sympathized Top Heshbon most because she was in the growth of the beat and scold from the slave owner. So she developed such bad habits as lying and stealing things. Her originally good, clean and pure mind was defiled. The slaves always suffered from slave owner’s beat and scold. They were forced to do hard work but always without enough food. They have no freedom. So I really sympathize them.
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