发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-29 03:04
热心网友 时间:2023-08-31 02:06
从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析as follow 和 as following的区别,详细内容如下。
1. 释义区别:
- "as follow"的意思是如下,用于列举或引用多个项目或事项。
- "as following"的意思是以下的,用于引用单个项目或事项。
- Please find the instructions as follow: read, understand, and complete the form.(请按照以下说明进行操作:阅读、理解并填写表格。)
- The steps are as following: gather the materials, prepare the workspace, and start the project.(步骤如下:收集材料,准备工作区,开始项目。)
2. 用法区别:
- "as follow"通常用于引用或列举多个项目、事项或陈述,强调的是多个项目之间的连续性。
- "as following"通常用于引用单个项目或事项,强调的是单个项目的具体内容。
- The instructions are as follow: first, fill out the form with your personal details. Second, sign the document. Third, submit it to the reception.(操作如下:首先,用个人信息填写表格。其次,签署文件。第三,提交给前台。)
- The schele is as following: Monday - Math, Tuesday - Science, Wednesday - History.(课程安排如下:周一-数学,周二-科学,周三-历史。)
3. 使用环境区别:
- "as follow"通常用于书面语、文件、说明书或指南等正式场合,适用于需要精确列举多个项目的情况。
- "as following"通常用于口语、简单说明或指示,适用于不需要详细列举多个项目的情况。
- The agenda for the meeting is as follow: introction, presentation, discussion, and conclusion.(会议议程如下:介绍、演示、讨论和总结。)
- The rules are as following: no smoking, no loud noises, and no pets allowed.(规定如下:禁止吸烟、禁止大声喧哗,不允许携带宠物。)
4. 形象区别:
- "as follow"强调列举或引用的多个项目或事项,类似于在列表中逐一列出。
- "as following"强调引用或提及的单个项目或事项,类似于指向或指示特定内容。
- The ingredients needed for the recipe are as follow: flour, sugar, eggs, and milk.(该食谱所需的材料如下:面粉、糖、鸡蛋和牛奶。)
- The requirements for the job position are as following: a bachelor's degree, three years of experience, and strong communication skills.(该职位的要求如下:学士学位、三年经验和良好的沟通能力。)
5. 影响范围区别:
- "as follow"的影响范围通常涉及多个列举的项目或事项,适用于包含多个项目的情况。
- "as following"的影响范围通常涉及单个具体的项目或事项,适用于单个项目的引用或提及。
- The timeline for the project is as follow: research phase, planning phase, execution phase, and evaluation phase.(项目的时间安排如下:研究阶段、规划阶段、执行阶段和评估阶段。)
- The train stops at the following stations: Central Station, Park Avenue, and Grand Plaza.(火车停靠于以下车站:*车站、公园大道和大广场。)