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Moanin' (Rudy Van Gelder Edition) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-29 04:20



热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 17:09

歌曲名:Moanin' (Rudy Van Gelder Edition) (1999 Digital Remaster)
歌手:Art Blakey
专辑:The Best Blue Note Album In The World

Swoon this is the same old blood rush with a new touch
I am safe, quaint and eloquent
But my bottom lip along with the top one too
Is chapped and it\'s all thanks to you
We all wet our lips to prepare for the kiss
But it never came
And we all wet our lips to prepare for the kiss
It was but a game
You have a moan all of your own
And I can feel it down to the bone
You have a moan all of your own
And I can feel it down to the bone
(The bone, the bone)
You trained these lips when they were champs
And now they\'re itchin\' for a comeback
So come back
It\'s a shame that your claim to fame
Hangs on someone else\'s name
So come back
Such a task and this is such a blast
And such a task
And such a task and this is such a blast
And all that jazz
You have a moan all of your own
And I can feel it down to the bone
You have a moan all of your own
And I can feel it down to the bone
You have a dangerous face and illegal taste
And that strap is fallen on that shoulder blade
Be patient
You have a dangerous face and illegal taste
And that strap is fallen on that shoulder blade
Be patient
You have a dangerous face and illegal taste
And that strap is fallen on that shoulder blade
Be patient
You trained these lips when they were champs
And now they\'re itchin\' for a comeback
You have a moan all of your own
And I can feel it down to the bone
You have a moan all of your own
And I can feel it down to the bone

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