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兄弟姐妹们 帮忙翻译一下我的中文摘要吧 很急!谢谢啦

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-27 12:36



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 06:06

Voice is a special way voice communication. Ear resonant voice-extraction method of voice recognition in our ears, our ears voice converted to sound normal, and so has a very important role, but also means that the study of public occasions of communications, the voice Aphonia restore public security and judicial work Such areas is of great practical value.
This paper introces the ears of voice sounds, acoustic characteristics and a model analysis of the voice signal short-term energy, the average rate of short-term, short-term rate of zero, since the relevant short-term and short-term average rate of poor function. Through the use of linear prediction coding (LPC) in terms of high precision and stability of the grid-good law, good voice from the ears of the first three formant, the Male and Female come to the normal voice resonant voice and ears The average peak frequency. By comparison, voice and ears that normal voice in the formant structure of the existing differences.
At present the study only in its infancy, but its major theoretical and practical significance of the value of this area will promote the rapid development of ear voice will be an increasingly broad prospects.
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