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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-28 04:40



热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 06:40

This is the perfect book to share with younge children. It may be intended to be read by children but I am in eighth grade and still love it. If you are looking for a funny, entergetic, and family friendly story then you have found one in Alice in Wonderland. I give this classic tail five stars and two thumbs way up.
Alice in Wonderland is about a girl that falls in a hole and goes into this magical world. I think "Alice in Wonderland" is an OK book for my age if you like fantasy books. You may not like it because nothing makes sense. For example, they have a trial where the witnesses don't know about the crime and the Judge says to the jurors, "That's important!" but the Rabbit corrects him. I think it would have been a better book if I was 7 and my mom was reading it to me right before bed. The only problem with that is that younger kids might not understand much of the vocabulary but they might still enjoy it if you explain the words to them. If you're an alt and want a good book for your 5, 6 or 7 year old, I recommend Alice in Wonderland.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 06:40

This is the perfect book to share with younge children. It may be intended to be read by children but I am in eighth grade and still love it. If you are looking for a funny, entergetic, and family friendly story then you have found one in Alice in Wonderland. I give this classic tail five stars and two thumbs way up.
Alice in Wonderland is about a girl that falls in a hole and goes into this magical world. I think "Alice in Wonderland" is an OK book for my age if you like fantasy books. You may not like it because nothing makes sense. For example, they have a trial where the witnesses don't know about the crime and the Judge says to the jurors, "That's important!" but the Rabbit corrects him. I think it would have been a better book if I was 7 and my mom was reading it to me right before bed. The only problem with that is that younger kids might not understand much of the vocabulary but they might still enjoy it if you explain the words to them. If you're an alt and want a good book for your 5, 6 or 7 year old, I recommend Alice in Wonderland.
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