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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-27 16:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 05:08

(1)I went to the park with my parents last Sunday.It was fine and the birds were singing.We climbed the mountain,went boating and had a pinic there.In the afternoon,we went shopping and bought lots of food and vegetables.In the evening,I did my homework,helped my parents with the housework,surfed the internet and read an interesting story.What a busy and pleasant day I had!
(2) Yesterday it was Sunday ,my father and me went fishing in the park,my mother asked me to take raincoat when ma father and me went out home ,I said the weather is find and didn't need to take raincoat ,we played very good in the morning ,but the weather is dark in the afternoon,there was heavy rain in the afternoom,we didn't go fishing and cought a cold ,my father said you shoud take raincoat
(3)Last week I went to Beijing with my parents.There are hundreds of tourist senic spots and historic sites in Beijing.
It took 3 days for us to visit the major sites,including Forbidden City,Square and the Great Wall.
I saw a lot of great works of architectur in the Forbidden City.I felt our ancestor was very clever.
I watched the dawn flag raising ceremony.It was very diginity.
I enjoyed the different sections of the Great Wall every much.I proved myself a true man in the breathtaking mountain views.
On the way home,I said to my parents:"It's a very happy travel.I hope we can have more."
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