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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-22 08:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 08:45


Summary: In order to understand the current situation that the self-protection of urban area kindergarten of Yuyao ecates, this research mainly adopts questionnaire law. The investigation finds, the kindergarten can not do the infant's self-protection ecational work well. And propose to the current situation: Define the ecational content of infant's self-protection, really implement the ecational objective; Design the abundant teaching activity; Ecate infant's self-protection and permeate in " life of one day " of the kindergarten; Change the idea " in order to protect and take the place of teaching "; Strengthen the home to ecate and join forces etc. to propose




Self-protection ecation


Current situation



热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 08:45

Abstract: To understand the urban kindergarten Yuyao the status of self-protection ecation, the study used questionnaires law. Survey found that kindergarten children on self-protection ecation badly. And against the status quo: a clear child-protection ecation, truly implementing the aims of ecation, design rich teaching and learning activities; child will be self-protection ecation in the kindergarten infiltration "daily life"; change "to protect the generation of the" concept of strengthening homeland Ecation efforts, and so on.
Key words: Kindergarten; self-protection ecation, the status quo

热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 08:45

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