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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-22 11:18



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 03:07

I always love visiting the zoo, because then I can get to see those beautiful yet rare animals, such as white tigers, and penguins. Today morning, I am fortunate enough to visit the PanYu Zoo. Our first destination is the money land. Out of all monkey kinds, I like spider monkeys the best. Their little white faces are always so full of joy and a lot of energy. They eat bananas with both hands and chase each other around, making audiences laugh.

After the monkey display comes area where the white tigers are. Although they look so relaxed and majestic, but indeed, they are very dangerous -- definitly not your common pet house cat. Along the way, I have also seen some very interesting animals like the hippo, camel, red-crowned crane and the "Elephant and Polar Bear Talent Show." It has been a wonderful morning at the zoo, experiencing the wonders of nature that god has put on the earth for us to enjoy.
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