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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 06:05



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:40

好久不来这里了,如果你不熟悉我 可以看看我以前的回答!

1.众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处 这句直译是这样的 having searched for him hundreds and thousands of times in the crowd, suddenly you turn back, and he is there by the dim light.


The Lantern Festival
--A Lyric Verse by Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

Lanterns look like thousands of flowers aglow;
Later like stars, from the skies, fallen below.
On main streets, horses and carriages ply.
There, ladies shed perfume, as they pass by.
Orchestral music and song greet our ears,
As the moon, slow and steady, eastward veers.
Of the Spring Festival, this night marks the end.
The whole night, capering, carps and dragons spend.
Adorned with ribbons or paper flowers on their head,
Clad in their best raiment, something bright or red,
Women squeeze their way among the festive crowd,
As they talk and laugh; even giggle aloud.
Rouged and powdered; perfumed to their heart's content,
They cannot but leave behind a subtle scent.
Up and down the main streets, I must have run—
A thousand times or more in quest of one,
Who I have concluded, cannot be found;
For, everywhere, no trace of her can be seen,
When, all of a sudden, I turned about,
That's her, where lanterns are few and far between.

注:在百度的英文介绍里 有这样的版本
hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there she stood!


The dress takes to loosen graally and I am more and more emaciated,
No regretful plying at all, I am rather for her only distressed as I did.



Phoenix on the parasol tree By Liu-Yun

Standing still on the high floor leaning on the column rail,
With the light breeze blowing gently to me hail.
Open my eyes looking afar for my list,
But the sorrow in spring arises in horizon mist.
The setting sun is glowing as a picture,
The evening haze covered with the grass color,
Keeping silent with no language at odd time,
Who can appreciate my worry this time?

I can’t help but make a pretense of unrestrained drinking as an inebriate.
Following Emperor Cao-Cao being the song to wines for appreciate,
But too ll feeling to witness
By trying to put on air of cheerfulness.
The dress takes to loosen graally and I am more and more emaciated,
No regretful plying at all, I am rather for her only distressed as I did.
Languishing for missing you and becoming emaciated , I have no regrets.


Westerly winds withered trees up last night. Climbing up the stairs and being lonely on the loft, I overlooked the endless distance.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:41


"Green Jade Table in The Lantern Festival " by Xin-Qiji:
I was searching for her seemingly a zillion times in the crowds. It so happened in my abrupt about-face I caught her at a dimly lit spot with my eyes.

"Butterfly loves Flower" By Liu-Yung:
My clothes and belts are getting loose day by day but I have no regrets becoming thin and pale. That's all for her.

"Butterfly loves Flower" by Yan-Shu:
Last night, the westerly winds withered the tree. Now I alone climb up tall in this building and behold the road that leads to the limitless skyline.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:41

Must translate:

Xin Qiji "Sapphire Document 元夕"

In the audiences seeks his 1,100, suddenly looks back on, thatperson is actually waning in the lights place.

The willow tree forever "Butterfly Will love Flower"

Even thin and pallid for someone still no any regret,disappears for Iraq the person to be thin and pale

Yan Shu "Butterfly Loves Flower"

Last night the westerly wind withered the blue tree. On thealone tall building, looks the completely horizon road

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:42

众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。||H leaves a disease 《the green jade case · dollar 夕》
Many in look for his 1000100 degreeses, look back suddenly, that person but at lights decayed place||The H leaves a disease 《the the green jade case · dollar 夕》
Many in look for his 1000100 degreeses, look back suddenly, that person but at lights decayed place.
衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴||Always of 《the 蝶 love a flower 》
The dress takes graally breadth eventually not regrets, eliminating for the 伊 the person is distressed.
昨夜西风凋碧树。||晏 Extremely of 《the 蝶 love a flower 》
Last night the west breeze 凋 bluish green tree.独上高楼,望尽天涯路.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:43

graally do not regret According to the Iraqi people have anxiety.
Yan Shu "Flowers"
Westerly withered green last night. On the independence, the green leaves Wandering Road.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:43

H leaves a disease 《the green jade case · dollar 》

Many in look for his 1000100 degreeses, look back suddenly, that person but at lights decayed place.

Always of 《the love a flower 》

The dress takes graally breadth eventually not regrets, eliminating for the 伊 the person is distressed.

Extremely of 《the love a flower 》

Last night the west breeze bluish green tree.Ascend high building only, hope exhausted limits of the earth road
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