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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-22 13:07



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:31

I went to Hainan with my parents when I was eight years old . We went there by air. It was my first time to take a plane so I felt really excited and happy. We stayed there for four days .The weather was pleasant and the air was fresh.
We Walked on the beach on the first day .there were only a few people. The quietness and pleasure we had is just like walking in our own garden .
the next day ,we went to Wuzhou Island. The sea there was clean and it is the best place to go diving .we could enjoy the beauty of the limitless sea and the blue sky . we lied down on the beach and listened to the sound of waves . At the perfect moment, I felt I was on a sailing boat above blue sea.
We took a car which is for sightseeing to travel around the island .the wind there is quite big.
There were many kinds of water sports such as swimming ,diving and so on . we went diving .Before we dived ,the instructor had already taught us how to dive .Although we didn’t know how to swim , we had a really fantastic time there . 
On The third day ,we went to the Yanuoda Rain Forest. We Saw many kinds of trees and flowers there. We also went to the Butterfly Valley. we saw many butterflies and they were really wonderful.
In all , we had a wonderful time in Hainan .and I want to visit again .

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