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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 23:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 03:34

4.2.1Calibration instrument

the calibration instrument must advocate the wrap zero alignment and make a fraulent switch. when the instrument is at the calibration or the test condition, the instrument demonstrated: may carry on the zero alignment operation, presses down the zero alignment key, the instrument demonstrated: the left hand seizes the test panel gently, the black tube which the zero alignment uses the appendix in places with the right hand on the test panel, slowly lifts the left hand, enables the black tube alignment smooth hole to suppress, then puts aside the left hand. The stop causes slightly the black tube contacts completely after the steadiness, presses down confirms the key. The instrument enters the zero alignment test automatically, avoids affecting the data accuracy, this period do not press any, do not move or vibrate the instrument. After the zero alignment had ended, the instrument exudes the buzzing sound, prompted the zero alignment to finish, the instrument demonstrated: the left hand seizes the test panel gently, takes down with the right hand the black tube from the test panel, puts the tabula rasa, slowly lifts the left hand, enables the tabula rasa alignment smooth hole to suppress, then puts aside the left hand. The emblem stop causes slightly the tabula rasa contacts completely after balanced, presses makes a fraulent switch the key, the instrument automatically enters makes a fraulent switch the test, avoids affecting the data accuracy, this period do not press any, do not move or vibrate the instrument. After the zero alignment had ended, the instrument exuded the buzzing sound, the instrument calibration finishes. Returns to calibrate or the test choice condition, the instrument demonstrated:

4.2.2 samples survey

the calibration had ended, the instrument demonstrated: this time may carry on the sample survey. The left hand depresses the test panel gently, takes down the tabula rasa with the right hand, and will prepare the good goal sample to put beforehand to the test panel on, slowly lifts the left hand, causes the sample alignment smooth hole to depress, then puts aside the left hand. The stop causes slightly the sample pond contacts completely after the steadiness, presses down confirms the key, the instrument automatically enters the sample test, avoids affecting the data accuracy, this period do not press any, do not move or vibrate the instrument. Instrument demonstration: after the test had ended, the instrument exudes the buzzing sound, the instrument demonstrated: if presses down once more confirms the key, then the instrument carries on the test once more. If the discovery data deviation is big, may press down repositions the key, returns to calibrate or the test choice condition, defers to 4.2.1 step calibration instrument.

4.3 instrumentations finished

the instrumentation, should take out is measured the sample, cleaned up the test panel, the instrument plane and on board's sample, closed the power source. The appendix cleaning up clean unification laying aside, prepares the next time test use.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 03:35

4.2.1 calibration equipment
Calibration equipment to the main pack-and-white zero.
When calibration or testing equipment in the state, apparatus, showed that:
Can be transferred by operation of the downturn is key, apparatus showed that:
Test gently took his left hand, right hand will be used in the annex to the tune of petty black tube on the test platform, and slowly raised his left hand so that the black-hole at the tube压住, then removed his left hand. A slight pause and make full contact on the tube along a smooth and press Enter. Equipment is transferred automatically into the test, to avoid affecting the accuracy of data, this period will not press any key, do not move or vibration equipment. - Zero after the end of a beep sound equipment, and tips for the end, apparatus, showed that:
Test gently took his left hand, black cylinder with his right hand will be removed from the testing stage, placed a white board and slowly raised his left hand so that the whiteboard at压住-hole, and then removed his left hand. Slightly emblem halt to all contacts on the whiteboard on balance, the white-button, automated equipment into the white-testing, to avoid affecting the accuracy of data, this period will not press any key, do not move or vibration equipment. - Zero after the end of a beep sound equipment, equipment calibration end. Return to the calibration or test selection, apparatus, showed that:

4.2.2 sample
After the calibration, instrument display:
Samples can be measured at this time. The left hand gently press the test bed, remove the board with his right hand and prepared beforehand objective test samples into the stage and slowly raised his left hand, so that samples at the light-pressure, and then removed his left hand. A slight pause to sample pool complete access along a smooth, press OK button, automatically into the sample testing equipment, to avoid affecting the accuracy of data, this period will not press any key, do not move or vibration equipment. Instrument Show:
After the test, a beep sound equipment, apparatus, showed that:
If confirmed once again press the button, the instrument again for testing. If it is found that more data error, press the reset button, or return to the calibration test selection, in accordance with 4.2.1 steps to re-calibrate equipment.
4.3 equipment after use
End the use of equipment, samples should be tested out, clean-up test bed, apparatus, equipment and flat panel on the sample, the power is switched off. Annex will be cleared unified place to prepare for the next test to use.
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