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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 23:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 21:56

Good afternoon, my name is xx, chance I feel very honored get this phone interview and I hope I have a good performance today.
Now I do a brief introction about myself, I am 26 years old, was born in xinyang city of henan province, are reside in zhengzhou, in 2008 graated from xx, majoring in computer ecation.University, through the study of network technology through the country than referred to the authentication of the network engineer the authentication, after the graation, into the communications instry network communication equipment in light technical support work, now works in a communication equipment technology service company, there are four years of optical transmission equipment project service experience.
I think I'm four years of work experience in communication technology has formed the good self learning ability, good communication ability, independent thinking quickly solve troubleshooting skills. I think enough is enough to meet the requirement of the position. If let me do this job, not only can complete equipment calibration, and in need of field service users of the process, can use communication field accumulated knowledge better understand and solve the needs of users, and I expect that through
Study hard rapidly responsible for equipment calibration work, in a few months the position of the required to quickly skills necessary, in two to five years, will be in the field of calibration senior engineers, in 5 to 10 years later became equipment calibration technology expert.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 23:14

Good afternoon, my name is xx, the phone interview opportunity I am very honored, and I want to have a good performance.
I look at a brief self-introction, I am 26 years old, born in Xinyang City, Henan Province, now living Zhengzhou, graating in 2008 xx, a student of computer ecation professional. College, through the learning of multi-gate network technology by certified network engineer certification of the State Ministry of Information and communications instries after graation to enter the optical network communications equipment, technical support, now working in a communications equipment, technology service providers, with four years of optical communications items of equipment service experience.
I consider my four years of communications technology experience to develop a good self-learning ability, good communication skills, independent thinking, the ability to solve the fault quickly. I consider that sufficient enough to meet the requirements of this position. If I am engaged in this work not only able to complete the instrument calibration, but also in the process of requiring on-site service users can use the accumulated knowledge of the field of communication and better understanding and addressing the needs of the user's, I hope that, through
Strive to learn quickly is responsible for equipment calibration, within a few months to grasp quickly the essential skills required of the post, to become a senior engineer of the checksum field of 2 years to 5 years, 5-10 years later to become the instrument calibration the field of technical experts.
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